Chapter 3

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Because you were literally an angel from heaven you were very beautiful. Your (h/c) shaped your face in the most perfect way, and your body was what every girl ever wanted. Due to this you got a lot of unwanted attention from people.

"Slut." "Oh here comes Ms.Perfect. Everybody move back!" "Hey girl you got any plans later?" "Fake bitch."

You didn't understand why people judged you before they got to know you. You felt alone and unwanted.
Even so, you continued to work hard in school. Staying up for hours and hours on end you would study and work. By the end of the day you were mentally fried.

Luckily Rin would help you relax and feel welcomed. He got teased a lot too.
I wonder why? He's so lovable and nice. Why do people judge him?

"Oi (y/n)! Let's walk to class together!" Rin called while running down the hall.
You stopped and waited for him. It was nice to have some company.

~In Mr.Okumura's Class~
"Ooooooohh look~ here comes Rin with the new girl~"
Bon and Rin had one of their daily arguments. At this point you just accepted and expected these to occur.
You walked away and took your seat next to Shiemi. "Hi (y/n)!" She said with one of her signature smiles.
"Hi Shiemi how are you?" "I'm doing just fine... Thank you." She blushed a little bit.
"Thanks for what?" "Ah um well you see... I've never had a friend so it's weird for me."
You slung your arm around her shoulder and said "Don't worry Shiemi I'll be your friend." "Really!" She said with a face of awe.
You giggled a little bit, even if she was your age she was much cuter.

"Ne (y/n), what do friends talk about?" Her head tilted in confusion.
"Anything you want to! That's what is so great about friends, they're always there to talk to."
"Do you have other friends?"
Well you didn't really have friends in heaven. Your father was so concerned about your studies you hardly had free time. When you did you mostly slept to regain mental energy. 'I guess I have him to blame for why I over work myself.' You thought.

"(Y/n)? You ok their?" Shiemi waved her hand in front of your blank, thinking face.
You snapped back to reality.
"Ahhh sorry Shiemi I zoned out. What were we talking about?"

Mr.Okumura walks in the room and speaks "Alright class let's begin."
Shiemi whispers in your ear "we'll talk about it later (y/n)." "Ok."

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