Chapter 13

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Feeling alone you decided to go outside for a little while and take a walk. Grabbing your coat and locking the door you were greeted by seeing Rin standing in the hallway.

You figured it was time to face him. It's now or never.

"Hey Rin."
"Hey (y/n)."

Dead silence for seconds but it felt like hours.

"How you doing?" Rin asked.
"I was about to go for a walk... Fine I can talk. I'm hanging in there. You?"
"Well my grades are improving but they could still be better." He rubbed his neck sheepishly and asked "C-could you... *sigh* Could you please tutor me again."
Oh fuck it. "Sure."

His toothy childish grin was instantly plastered on his face.
"Yes! Alright let's start now!"
With that he grabbed your hand and dragged you to the library.
"W-woah ok ok!"

~En la biblioteca~
"Alright Rin I think that's enough studying for Exorcism. Yukio will be really happy when you do well in class." You gave a small smile to Rin.
Usually when given a compliment from you Rin would get really excited and go "REALLY!" with a smile. But now he just nodded his head.

He looked blank and distant, making you worry about him. You waved your hand in front of his face and he grabbed with lightning fast reflexes.
"Listen. We need to talk." Was all he said before whisking you away.

~Skip to Rins room...
I'm waiting... Go skip. Good.~

"Rin what is it?" His grip was starting to hurt your wrist.

"Rin I thought you didn't like me. What's with you all the sudden?" Now you were getting irritated.

He swung open the door and scurried the two of you inside.


He pulled you into a tight hug which left you shocked and flustered.

"R-Rin..." Your face was flushing shades of dark crimson. So far, since the library, you'd basically only been saying Rin's name over and over again. But now without speaking he was communicating all the things he didn't say.

His hug showed how much he missed you. How much he cared. How he was ashamed that he ever hurt you.

Yukio's words echo in the back of your mind.

'He is not one to come out and tell someone something. More so he explains it by his actions.'

This was Rin's was of saying 'I'm sorry.'

Rin's Little Angel (Rin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now