Chapter 6

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You walked out of the class and saw some boys standing at a locker.
'Rin was going to walk back to the rooms with me... I hate being alone and without him...'

The boys all slowly made their way towards you.

The tallest one with brown hair spoke up first.
"Well well well. I guess the rumors are true. You're as pretty as an angel that fell from heaven."

He grabbed your arm.
"Don't touch me!" You shouted.

The shorter blonde one spoke. "Don't worry we aren't gonna bite as long as you cooperate."

After struggling for sometime you finally got out of the tall boy's grasp. You sprinted in the direction of your room.

"Hey bitch get back here!" The two started to chase after you.

"Go away!" You shrieked.

You couldn't use your wings to get away because then you'd give up your disguise. You also couldn't use your weapon on school grounds. You didn't have friends to call and help you, well you had Rin but he was with Yukio. The only option left seemed to be to run away from them.

You took a bad step and twisted your ankle. Soon after your ankle gave out and you came toppling down.

Now you were crawling on the floor to get away.

"*pant pant* I see you finally stopped." The tall brunette said while catching his breath.

"*wheeze wheeze* now come here." The blonde one said.

They picked you up and slammed your head against a wall. Your vision got hazier as they repeated the action over, and over, and over, and over. When they finally stopped doing it you couldn't stand.

They let go of you and you dropped like a rock to the floor.

They then proceeded to rip your clothing.
"St-stop i-it." You choked out.

Blood being hacked up and you gasped for air. The boys laughed in a sinister way. You didn't have anymore energy to fight back. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen.

*BAM* A blue flash came out of no where. It sent the two boys flying away. From what you could make out they had a look of terror on their faces.

The blue flash hit them again and they were knocked out.

The blue light slowly made its way toward you.

With weak eyes you looked up and saw a creature that looked an awful lot like Rin. Then your eyes wondered and made there way to the creatures tail.

It was Rin!

Rin smiled the same toothy grin and that confirmed it.

He picked you up bridal style.
No words were spoken but tears were shed.
You cried heavily into his chest.
"You're ok now (y/n)." He whispered.

He slowly started to turn back into his human form and all the blue flames faded. All that was left was his tail.

The back of your shirt had been ripped off so your wings were now exposed. They slipped completely out of the shirt and hit the floor.

From the assault one of them had broke and was in excruciating pain.

Rin didn't even ask question, he understood what was going on.

"Let's fix this little guy up." He said as he carried you back to your room.

Rin's Little Angel (Rin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now