Chapter 5

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"(Y/n) what's up?" Rin asked.
"Is my brother bothering you? Yukio don't go around scaring my friends!"

As Rin got mad you saw a tail slip out the back of his pants.

"Um Rin?" You asked.

"What (y/n)?" He turned around to face you.

You slowly pointed at his tail and said "You got a little friend peeping out." (I realize now reading this it MAY sound a bit dirty. GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER. Moving on.)

He looked down and saw his tail wiggling "OH SHIT!" He grabbed it and stuffed it back in his pants. "Th-that was nothing. Don't worry about it."

He whistled awkwardly as if nothing had happened.

Yukio's POV~
*sigh* I let out a deep sigh.
'I swear Rin will be the death of me.' I thought.

I need to keep an eye on (y/n) something is definitely different about her. Hmmm but how? And what?

Oh I got it! I'll ask her to be Rin's tutor! But when? Maybe later.

She has good grades and is a smart student. This kills two birds with one stone.

I get to watch over her and Rin will get tutored.

"Alright (y/n) you can leave. I have to deal with my stupid brother over here." I pointed to Rin.

"Oh ok..." She said with a hint of sadness.

She made her way to the door and left the room. Why was she sad?

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