Chapter 4

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* (bf/n) = Best Friends Name

You were thinking about friends. Not like in heaven you had many. However there was one, one very special friend. Her/his name was (bf/n).

While in heave (bf/n) was your only friend. Sure you did have a few other acquaintances but (bf/n) was your only true friend. S/he was always there for you when s/he was needed.
Like that time you got in trouble when that other girl tugged on your wing. (Bf/n) was there to essentially bail you out. S/he told the teacher that the other girl started it and that it was only self defense.

Beside always having your back (bf/n) had a great personality. S/he could always make you smile and laugh. You two had so many inside jokes that didn't make sense. Every time either of you said one it would always make you cry laughing.

Not to mention (bf/n) was kind and understanding. S/he understood that your father was very strict and how hard your life truly was. S/he was a supporting shoulder during this time of your life.
*end of flashback*

While reminiscing about (bf/n) you completely forgot that class was going on.
"(Y/n). (Y/n)? (Y/n)!" Mr.Okumura said.
"Wwwwhat!?" You said in shock that you zoned out yet again.
"Please answer my question." He said in a some what irritated voice.
"Ummm I'm sorry Sir. Could you repeat the question."
"Sigh... What kinda of plant do you use to cure a demon burn?" He stated.
"Oh that would be..." You weren't very good with the plant exorcism. You found strength in the weapon exorcism but you still needed to know the other types.

As you were thinking Sheimi interrupted "That would be Mr.Sunshine."
Everyone started to giggle and chuckle at Sheimi answer.
Mr.Okumura made us settle down "Alright alright enough. Sheimi please use the official plant names."
*ring ring*

Class was over. The student packed there stuff and headed for the door. As soon as you were almost out the door Mr.Okumura called for you. "(Y/n)." He said. "May I please have a word."
Mr.Okumura wasn't a mean teacher, in fact he was one of your favorites, but he did have a strong aura. Being in the same room alone with him was pretty scary.
"Yes Mr.Okumura?" You asked in a soft voice.
"Is something troubling you? You spaced out an awful lot in class today." He asked with a bit of concern.
"Uh nope. Everything is fine! Sorry if I worried you at all." You said with a fake smile.
He loosened up a little bit and smiled back.

After a few moments of silence he broke it. "(Y/n) what are you?" You gasped and felt your heart beat quicken. "I-I don't know what you are talking about sir." You stuttered.
"(Y/n) I sense something different about you. For your own safety just tell me."
How? How did he sense this?

As you felt your breath quicken and started to go light headed Rin walked in.
"Yo! Oh hey what's up (y/n)?"

Oh thank the stars, it's Rin.

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