Chapter 11

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Rin's POV~
Damn it!
I didn't mean to hurt (y/n)'s feelings. Maybe this is why I don't connect with people. I just destroy things, that's all I do and all I ever will do. UGH!

I stormed off to class after class but didn't even bother to pay attention.
"Mr.Okumara!" My math teacher chimed. "Congrats you aren't failing anymore!" He handed me a test with a surprisingly high mark. A perfect 100. "Good job, keep it up." And with that he walked away.

I didn't earn this grade... (Y/n) taught me how to do this so this is her grade. For the first time ever I feel worse about getting a good grade as opposed to getting a bad one.

I'll stop by later and apologize.

~skip of time~
*knock knock knock*
"(Y/n)?" *knock knock knock*
"(Y/n) you home?" I got no response.

Probably still mad at me.

I heard a low grumbling voice "What do you want?" (Y/n) had slightly opened the door.

"I just wanted to apologize for what I did earlier. Bon makes me so angry. He's so stupid." Just thinking about the skunk striped hair boy got my mad.

There was silence again until (y/n) spoke.
I heard a small whimper as she said "At least he didn't say he doesn't like me." With that she slammed the door closed.

I stood there dumbfounded. When my body starting working again I slammed my fist on her door.
"(Y/n) open up! Come on! I'm sorry ok!?"

I wanted so badly to turn into a demon and burn down that damn door, but I restrained myself. (Y/n) would be more pissed at me if I did. I starting shouting for her to let me in and other things.

Your POV~
I heard Rin banging on my door and shouting for me to let him in. I yelled back things I didn't really mean.

"Just go away!"

'Don't leave me.'

"I wanna be alone!"

'Stay by my side.'

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