Chapter 12

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Rin left a few minutes later, not before saying some harsh things as he left.

"Fine (y/n)! I'm just trying to apologize here!"

You knew that. From the bottom of your heart you understood he was apologizing, but the anger and stubbornness you felt at that moment prevented you from accepting it.

Once he was gone you wanted to go knock on his door... But you couldn't. You body refused to stand up, or do anything for that matter. All you could do was sit with a blank face as time slipped away.

Two more days passed and the only time you moved was to eat or use the bathroom.
You never saw Rin during those days.
Rin didn't even bother to check up on you.
Little did you know that he did.

During the night he'd sit outside your window and make sure nobody came after you. He didn't want the angels taking you away from him and back to heaven. Plus now that he had feelings for you he didn't want Satan to come after you. So he patiently waited for you to talk to him again.

Yukio was the first in three days to knock on your door.
"(Y/n)? It's me, Yukio, and I brought Shiemi with me. Can we come in?"

You let out a loud sigh and groggily made your way to the door.
Heavy bags under your eyes and messy bed head made the two question how much sleep you'd been getting.
"What do you want?" You asked in a tone that meant 'I don't want to deal with you people so make this snappy.'

Shiemi seemed to be holding something behind her hands as she spoke she held it out.
"Please accept my gift!" She bowed and handed you a small medical kit with some beautiful flowers.

"Oh. Thank you Shiemi." You took the present.
"Do you like it?" She asked with anticipation.
"Yes it's lovely."
Her face lit up at your answer and she gave you a back breaking hug.
"I'm so glad!"

For the first time in a few days you smiled and laughed. Yukio smiled at you smiling at Shiemi's smile. (AN: Just everybody is smiling. I'm smiling typing this.)

You let the two in and you three talked about whatever came to mind.
About an hour later Yukio's pocket buzzed.
'Probably just a call for work.' You thought.

Yukio excused himself and left you and Shiemi to continue your discussion about (whatever you want).

A few minutes later he popped his head around the corner.
"Shiemi lets go now."
She gave a confused look but then appeared to understand what he was saying.
"R-right! Sorry (y/n), we have to go now."
"Oh ok." You said in a both surprised and disappointed voice.

"Thank you for having us but we must be leaving now." Yukio said. And with that they were off. Leaving you confused and alone.

Yosh! Another chapter finished. I have a few questions for you all.
Do you watch/read One Piece?
Do you have a certain Fire Fist you'd like to date? *wink wink*
If so then please check out my new Ace X Reader. The first chapter is up and more to come. Don't worry I'll still be writing this story too.

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