Chapter 14

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~Rin's POV~
Never will I let go.
(Y/n) is in my arms and I don't plan on letting her go again. I realized that I care a lot for (y/n).

"Rin... Do you hate me?" She barely managed to choke out. Her face was hidden and pushed up against my chest so I couldn't see it but I'm sure she was on the verge of tears. Maybe she missed me as much as I missed her.

I lifted her face and starred into her (e/c) orbs.
"(Y/n) I'm sorry. I could never hate you."

With that she broke down crying.
"I missed you so much." She said between sobs.

I didn't know how to handle a crying girl.
Truth be told I didn't know how I was doing this good up to this point.

Um what do I do?

I went with instincts and scooped her up in my arms, and then I slowly bounced her as if she were a little puppy.
"Shhhh I'm right here."

She still continued to have tears spill down her cheeks but she now was smiling.
"You're so awkward you weirdo."

I'm sure I was blushing fifty shades as she wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face in its crook.

Finally she let out a relaxed sigh and calmed down.

Then to ruin the perfect moment I heard a knock at the door.

"(Y/n) I gotta go get the door. Can I put you down?"

"Hmmmm nope." She smiled.
She pointed to the door and said "To victory my trusty steed!"

"What? How am I gonna- oh fine." With that I walked awkwardly to the door and struggled to open it.

When I did I was greeted by Yukio who was smiling like her had won the lotto.
He patted my shoulder and said "Good work. Glad the plan worked."

(Y/n) is gone now. She hates me.

I felt someone tapping my back.
"Huh?" I turned around. "Oh Yukio."

"Well hi to you too." He grunted. "Anyway Rin you can't keep moping around."

I sarcastically replied "Watch me."

"Well," he started "couldn't you at least think of a way to talk to her again? Your good at thinking up stupid plans that should never work but some how they do."

"Oh thanks. Glad to know that's my specialty... Wait I got it!" I stood up and pointed one finger in the air as a light bulb turned on above my head.

"I'm going to need some assistance from you and Sheimi."

I explained to Yukio that if they could get (y/n) to leave her room then I could swoop in and explain myself.
Many things could go wrong but it was worth a shot.

*present time*
(Y/n) looked up at me and smiled.
"I'm not sure what this 'plan' was but I'd say it worked pretty well."

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