Chapter 20

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*day of the dance*

You were getting ready for your first dance/party on earth. What would it be like?

Running around your room you were trying to get ready as quickly as possible.
Getting in your dress, doing your hair and make up, making sure everything was perfect.
There was a lot of prep to do before this shin-dig.

Finally at 7:00 Rin knocked on your door.

"(Y/n) you ready?" He asked.
"One sec I'll be right there!" You shouted from the bathroom.
You set down your makeup after you had added the finishing touches.
Grabbing your heels you bolted for the door and opened it so Rin could come in.

Instantly his mouth dropped seeing you in such a beautiful dress.

"W-wow (y/n). You look amazing." He face was flushed bright red as he spoke.
You walked over and took his hand and then intertwined your fingers with his.

You gave a quick 'thanks' for the compliment.
"Well then my handsome knight, shall we go?"
You smiled.
"Yes we shall!" Rin replied and carefully lead you out the building.

While the school had decorations and signs inside the building the real party was upstairs.

On the roof was an arrangement of lights and tables with chairs. A dance floor and DJ were smack dab in the middle. Buffets of food were scattered around the perimeter. People were already party but it seemed like it had only begun.

The whole exorcist class toppled you and Rin.
"You guys look great!"
"(Y/n) I love your dress!"
"Right time to join the party."

You were laughing and stumbling with them to the dance floor. Rin's arm was wrapped around your waist. He looked you in the eyes and said "(y/n)..."
You looked back with love and anticipation.
"Yes Rin."
He came closer to your ear and whispered
"You need to pull your dress up."


"REALLY!?" You elbowed him in the ribs.
"Ouch. Haha I was only kidding."
He was clutching his side were you had struck and pulled from his pocket a little velvet box.

"(Y/n) I love you."
He opened the box and inside was a (precious metal) thin chain with a (color of dress) stone.

You were taken aback. Tears welled up in your eyes as everyone around collectively said "awe".

Rin stood up and put the necklace on you. It dazzled in the party lights.
"It's beautiful. Thank you!"
Rin held your hand and appeared like he was about to say something.

However he was interrupted when Bon kicked the DJ and started playing you and Rins favorite song.

You and him danced the whole night away not giving a care in the world.

~back at the room~
You and Rin had a good time.
(Let your imagination run wild ;) )

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