Chapter 16

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You walked over to your room and changed into pjs, then you walked back to Rin's room.
'Some long commute we have.' You said to yourself sarcastically and chuckled. It was nice living next to your... Boyfriend?

Hm. He didn't say it yet but you two were dating right? Well I mean you only hugged him, no kisses.

Are we still just friends?

No no no. Well maybe. Hmmm.
You thought it would be a good idea to ask Rin later what your relationship was. But at the same time you wanted him to ask to be his girlfriend. This was really confusing you.

"Rin?" You called.
"What's up (y/n)?" He replied while jumping onto the couch.
"Um well... I- I was wondering if um..." Your face was growing redder by the minute.
"You alright? You look sick." He said.
"Oh! No I'm fine but thanks." You assured him.

Being too embarrassed to ask now you just said "Shit. Forgot what I was going to say. Silly me. Haha." You fake laughed.

Rin shrugged and patted the couch for you to sit down. You did as he told and joined him on the couch.

"Wanna watch anything?" Rin asked.
"I'll watch whatever you want."

He turned on the TV and (Your Favorite Show) was on.

Trying to contain your excitement, you quietly bounced in your seat. Rin noticed this and said "You really like this show."

Your excitement snapped and you exploded into a yapping fangirl.

You were talking so fast Rin could hardly understand what you were saying.
"Well I mean... It seems ok." He looked at the TV then back to you.
"No. Not ok. Not good. It is a masterpiece." You said.

Rin laughed and you were really confused, so you watched (Favorite Show) while he has his hysterical episode.
He wiped a happy tear from his eye and said something that made your heart melt.

"This is why I want you to be my girlfriend."

You stopped watching the show and turned to Rin.

His face turned the shade of a tomato and his swear dropped.
"Did I just say that? Like just now?"
You nodded.
He then started talking to himself.
"Rin you baka. You just ruined everything. Ugh. You just made things awkward and she probably-" you stopped him by tapping on his shoulder.

You imagined your face was probably as red as his when you answer "I wouldn't mind that."

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