Chapter 9

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\^-^/ what the what!? Over a 1000+ reads on this book already? I see you guys like X Readers. I want to create more of these for you guys to enjoy. Here is a list of animes I have watched:
-One Piece
-Fairy Tail
-Kuroko No Basuke
-Trinity Seven
-Blue Exorcist
-Angel Beats
-Attack On Titan
-Your Lie In April
-Sword Art Online
-No Game No Life
-More I can't think of.
Anyways~ comment a character you'd like me to make a story for as well as a bit of a plot/story line and I'll see if I can make it happen.

Enjoy this chapter!

You went back to class with Rin the next day. While you were walking, the boys who had attacked you watched Rin with horror in their eyes. Rin was a demon but for some reason that didn't bother you. Maybe it was because you could connect with him.

Later in the day you and Rin went to eat your lunch out in the court yard. You two sat in the flowers by the fountain and talked about everything under the sun. Laughing and giggling until something broke the wonderful atmosphere. Bon and his buddies had come.

"So (y/n), I'd take it you and Rin are dating?" Bon asked as he crossed his arms and gave a smirk.

"Well... Um..." Was all you could muster.
Truth be told you had grown a liking to the blue haired dummy.

"Bon what the hell do you think you're doing?"
Rin replied with annoyance.
"What I just want to know if she's your girlfriend? Maybe you like her and your too shy to admit it?" Bon knew he was getting under Rin's skin.

"No I don't like her!" Rin shouted back.

These words hit you like millions of daggers being stabbed through your heart.
Did everything he had done for you mean nothing to him? Was he just putting up with you since you were injured? You thought he liked you.

"(Y/n) you don't like me like that either right? Come on prove to Bon he's being an asshole." Rin stated.

You looked down the flowers you were sitting in and grabbed a handful. Silently you stood up while everyone was watching you. You picked your head up and threw the flowers at Rin then ran.

"(Y/n)! Hey (y/n) come back!" You heard Rin shouting in the distance. Wanting to turn around so badly to see his face but you restrained yourself.

Rin kept chasing you and he was gaining. Nobody was in the near by area so you used your wings and got away, leaving Rin in the dust behind you.

Eventually you got tired and heard the school bell ring. Not feeling like going to classes for the rest of the day, knowing Rin was in all of them, you took a seat on a bench.

You cried and cried until you thought your eyes would dry up from the amount of water escaping them. Then you heard light foot steps coming towards you, you looked up and saw Yukio. He patted your head gently and spoke "Tell me what's wrong."

"R-Rin..." Was all you could muster before you broke down again. Yukio held you close and patted your head in a soothing motion.
"Shhh it's ok." He comforted you.

Yukio had grown to treat you like he treats Rin. Most times he yell at you two but he'd also always make sure you were safe. He made sure that you were ok and didn't get into trouble.
He's kinda the brother you never had.

You calmed down as much as you could.
Your chest stopped heaving, the water works turned off and you could breath normally.

"Now can you tell me?"
You nodded and explained everything.

"Hm I see. Well I can't say for sure but it sounds like Rin really likes you."
"Huh? Did you not just hear my story?" You were so confused.
"(Y/n), Rin has a, what's the word... Stupid? No. Different? No... Unique! There it is. He has a unique way of expressing his feelings. He's not one to come out and just tell someone something. More so he explains it by his actions. He probably was just really flustered by Bon. I think he really likes you."

You couldn't tell if Yukio was kidding or being dead serious.
Maybe he is right? You thought.

'I don't like her!'

Those words still rang in your mind.

Again Yukio spoke.
"Give it time (y/n). You'll see."

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