Just another day | Chapter 8

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Okay, I arrived just on time. No one had arrived yet, but then I noticed I had forgotten something at home, THE BROWNIES. I called my sister and asked her if she could bring them she agreed and in 10 minutes she got here. When she was waiting downstairs the gentlemen arrived. I went to look for the brownies with Pachu and found a little surprise, as we didn't know they were downstairs we were wearing crocs with our outfit, it was hilarious. We made three rides in the elevator, first Pachu and I then Marcos and Juanma and lastly Fermín.

We ordered pizza from rappi and in 20' it arrived. Pachu and Jaz went downstairs to pay. Mili and I interrogated Juanma's intentions with Pachu. We didn't tell him this but he was the first boy she ever liked and we didn't want her to get hurt or at least the least hurt as possible. It didn't last a lot because the girls did everything fast. For the rest of the night though, Juanma looked at Mili and I for approval. We ate and talked about the shows we were doing this year, my group and Jaz's, group 2 was doing Wicked and the one from Pachu, Mili and the boys, group 3 was doing In The Heights. Jaz and I want to do In The Heights, still I'm not sure if I'll go I'm in but maybe I'll drop out because I won't be the whole year. When we finished eating we went to the living room and chose a horror movie, It Chapter Two. All of us had seen the first one and finally the two was on the Apple TV. We were about to start when Pachu and Milo remembered that they had bought popcorn to eat with the movie, they went to the kitchen and in 5 minutes they came back with two bowls full of popcorn.

The beginning of the movie was really scary, Marcos was besides me and he held me, although Pachu wasn't scared Juanma stretched his arm around her and got closer. Jaz and Mili weren't scared and Fermín, well he was eating popcorn and didn't pay attention to the movie. When already an hour of movie passed I took Marcos off me and went to Pichu's kitchen. Her sister, Jaz was getting a glass of coke and as she was studying psychology I asked for her advice with Marcos. I really like Marcos but after what he said I'm wondering if I'm wasting time with him because he doesn't see a future together. She told me to stay with him because maybe he could feel different after some time dating. I followed her advice and went back with my friends, When I got there I saw Mili and Jaz hugging terrified, Pachu and Juanma covering up their eyes, Marcos staring at the kitchen door and Fermín eating the popcorn with no clue of what was happening neither in the movie nor in reality. Us seeing the movie was just like the scene of any minute of the show of the previous year, taking out all the romantic drama. At about 1am Marcos's parents came to look for him and the boys.We helped Pachu and organized the house, put everything in the dishwasher, got into out pj's and went to the little room besides the kitchen, we weren't going to sleep there but we stayed there while we chatted, we had both deep and shallow conversations, we shared some of our biggest fears and dreams, for example Milo said that her big dream was having a role in In The Heights, Pachu shared what she wanted to audition for, Nina, and one of the reasons was because Juanma was auditioning of Benny and she wanted to kiss him but didn't want him to know so it was a great excuse. Jaz told us that she would rather spend time only with girls because in summer she had a lot of boy drama and although she liked seeing us happy with boys she sometimes wished they disappeared. And I told them how scared I was to leave, it was the biggest chance ever and I would never be ready to leave my friends and family but the opp-opportunity was there and then. We all started crying and telling each other how much we love them, it was a really nice moment and for some strange reason suddenly we fell asleep. At about 5:30 in the morning I wake up and go to the kitchen to get a glass of water and I hear Mili and Pachu talking, they were having a really deep talk but it is a secret what I heard so I can't say anything. When they saw that I was awake they called me and asked me to tell them more about the show I was called for. I started telling them and when I got to the sad part they were both crying without stopping and accidentally woke Jaz, Pachu's sister and when that happened, Cler, Pachu's other sister who was still awake came with us to talk. The five of us shared some really deep things and were able to cheer each other up. At one point we were laughing too loud, specially Pachu and Jaz because their laugh is normally loud, causing Jaz to wake up. She had a really sleepy face but in five minutes it turned upside down and was as she had slept the whole day, that was about 7 am.

We decided to have breakfast although it was really early so we would make the best of that day. We prepared pancakes and french toasts. We prepared extra for Jaz, Clari and Vicky, Pachu's mom for when she woke up. We changed our clothes and packed our pj's back in our backpacks and reorganized the house. After that we went to have a walk around the city and came back for lunch, which we ate at Jaz's house which was one block away from Pachu's. We ordered empanadas from Morita and for dessert we cooked brownies. We stayed at Jaz's for about 2 hours until we went to Marcos's house because he invited us to hang out. Juanma and Fermín also went. We were going to go to Parque De La Costa because Marcos had free tickets because of a sponsored video but we ran into Lin Manuel Miranda because for some reason he was in Argentina, we called Valen who was at her aunt's 2 blocks away because she loved him. He was really nice and didn't seem to be annoyed about us, he even seemed pleased. We asked him if he could sing the rap from In The Height as Usnavi so we could send it to Sofi and Toia. He asked us if we could go to the Starbucks which was at the end of the block so we weren't in the middle of the street. He ordered a caramel cappuccino. We went to the tables downstairs and recorded him. We asked him to give us his autograph and as of course Valen was with her Hamilton t-shirt HE asked her to take a picture to post online. He even asked our instagram profiles to follow us. AND he even gave us his phone number and offered free tickets for his soon to come musical, they still were casting but he told us to call him and he would give them to us. And when he named the director I realized that musical he was talking about was the one I was casted for.

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