Under the moon | Chapter 17

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Sofi's POV

That could be true, maybe I hadn't opened my heart ever since Ignacio broke my heart. I mean I thought I had feelings for Mark. After Toia told me that I realized of all the actions I had done without thinking.

After that talk in the bathroom we went back to the table. At first I felt like he would have realized that we were talking about him but he didn't seem to know. A few minutes later everything was again less strange. We finished eating and went outside, Toia and Alex took Mery and Marcos to their houses, and Mark took me home, we talked all the way home, we went walking because it was a beautiful night, the sky was clear and full of stars. I was able to open myself to Mark and told him some personal things. When we got to my building we stayed there without saying anything, we just stared at each others eyes. It was like I had known him my whole life, everything was so clear, I was really in love with him and it was our first date. After several minutes staring at each other we started getting closer, and closer, it was like a force was pulling me towards him, I wasn't thinking, I wasn't conscious of what was happening I was just getting closer. He then rested his forehead on mine, and got his lips closer to mine and we kissed, it wasn't like any kiss, he wasn't like anyone else, it had been so long since I had ever felt that. We started getting away slowly, we stayed silent for some seconds until he said:

-I had a lot of fun tonight, maybe we could repeat it some time, goodnight Sofi.

- Goodnight- I couldn't say anything else other than "goodnight".

He kissed me on the forehead and left. I went to my department, I got in took off my shoes, washed my teeth and layed in bed. I got my phone and wrote to Toi to say thank you for setting us up. I didn't have much confidence in tonights plan but it all worked out for the best. Maybe it was all meant to be. I just needed a little push, and this was it.

chat with Toia


thank you so much for making this night possible and making me goo

I had a great time

i'm glad sosoo

how did things go after we left???

he took me home and when we got there we stopped talking and stared at each others eyes for some minutes and then he got closer and kissed me😍

ohhhh i'm so happy for youuu!!!

I haven't felt this way since ignacio

I know it was really hard fr you that breakup but it was for the best


i had never seen you look at Ignacio the way you looked at Mark today

I mean I think that I really like Mark, I loved Ignacio, sure he hurt me with the breakup but before that i felt so loved

and i was really happy

well maybe with Mark you'll be happier

i am rooting for the two of you

i believe that you are meant to be

honestly, i've never seen two people this different get along this well

well, i have

honestly, you and Alex are completely different but that makes you a better couple

i hope that you are right and everything works out

end of chat

Toia's POV

After receiving Sofi's texts I felt so happy and relieved that it had all worked out. I really thought it would anyway but it didn't go just FINE, it went AMAZING. They had kissed and they might go out again so, maybe sometimes meddling is a good idea. I went to tell Alex that it had worked out and then I texted Mery and Marcos to ask them if they had had fun and Mery asked me if I had news about Sofi so I told her that it had worked out. A few minutes later I went to sleep.

Sofi's POV


I woke up all of a sudden, I felt my heart beating rapidly, I had had a really strange dream and I needed to talk to Toia but I didn't want to wake her up so I just sent her a text saying "Toi if you're awake answer this message."

Toia's POV

I woke up at 4 am feeling one of the babies kick, I went to the bathroom and then glanced over my phone to see the notifications, and I saw a message from Sofi so I answered to see what had happened.

chat with soso

Toi if you're awake answer this message

yes, i'm awake what's going on?? are you okay??

I'm fine I guess

here's the thing I just woke up all of a sudden and my heart is beating really fast. I think it's because of what I dreamed

what did you dream??

Ignacio was calling me and at the same time Mark was calling me, Ignacio was drowning but Mark was burning, and I went to save him and I felt like I could never reach him and when I was closer Ignacio appeared instead, what does that mean?? because after that, I woke up

ohh, it means your psyche is trying to ensure success in your new relationship

how are you so sure??

well it is one of the most known dream causes

don't worry, everything will be okay

I hope so, anyways why are you awake??

I felt the babies kick

are you okay?

yes, yes I'm fine

I'll go to sleep, and you should too

goodnight soso

goodnight toia

end of chat

OG narrator

Yesterday I had a great time at the dinner, it was an amazing date. I woke up today with a text from Juan Miranda saying that he had signed up for group 2 and was admited. I was really happy because that way I could get to know him more, after all I would start seeing him a lot between the rehearsals of School Of Rock and then in New York, well and now every thursday.

11:00 am

I went to have breakfast and texted the girls to do something in the evening. Pichu, Milo and Jaz were available, Milo said we could go over to her house. We decided to practice our auditions there, specially Milo and Pichu who had their auditions in about two weeks. For that moment I hadn't made up my mind about my audition but I decided to practice Defying Gravity for the role of Elphaba. Pichu was auditioning for Nina and Milo for Vanessa and Jaz who wasn't happy for the show decided to audition for flying monkey as she thought she wouldn't get a character anyway. We practiced for a while, luckily the house was empty so we weren't bothering anyone and we could practice without feeling uncomfortable. After about two hours of practice we had some sandwiches Milo's mom had prepared earlier for us. We stayed at the table for a while chatting and the decided to play a board game more specifically Pictionary. It was Jaz and I against Pichu and Milo, at first Jaz and I were losing but then we started getting better and won. When the game ended we continued practicing, and gave each other corrections and tips for the auditions.

At about 7:30 my sister came to pick Jaz and I up, Pichu was staying there overnight, other friends from her class were going too. Jaz was staying over at my house, so we decided to at midnight FaceTime them. When we got home we showered and tidied up my room, after that we set the table for dinner. During dinner they asked us what role we were auditioning for, neither of us knew what to answer. After dinner we prepared the living room for a glee marathon, we prepared popcorn and prepared some brownies and opened a Diet Coke. We stayed up until midnight watching glee, before calling the girls, when they hung up we continued watching glee and then connected my phone to the Apple TV to watch hadestown which we had a link with the video. When watching it we had to control ourselves not to sing with all our hearts the songs. We then talked until about 4:30, at that time we decided to go to sleep.

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