All that matters | Chapter 15

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Sofi's POV

It 9 pm when I received a call from an unknown caller ID. I answered and I heard Alex's voice, he seemed really scared. I asked him where he was and why, he told me "I'm at the hospital with Toia, she was home alone and called an ambulance please come, I don't know what's happening." I had to call Ana and let her know what was going on and she decided to come too so we went together. When we got to the hospital we saw Alejo holding Toia's hand and singing "What you Mean To Me" from Finding Neverland. I did t want to go in because Toia was waking up. I asked her doctor for more information but they still hadn't done any tests so they didn't know if something was wrong. When he got inside the room Ana and I followed him. I sat on the end of Toia's bed. They told us what they'd do. They wanted to start by running some blood tests and an ultrasound and then they would go from there. The blood test came clear, on the other hand the ultrasound didn't come up really well. Although what came up isn't really dangerous it still has its risk and might need surgery. The baby is starting to grow inside the umbilical cord so when the baby starts getting bigger there will be a higher risk of suffocation if it doesn't resolve by itself. They were given the choice of surgery now or wait a few more weeks. The OBGYN left the room and Toia and Alex started talking about what desicion to take. They decided to look up some information. Everything was fine they had decided to tell the doctor that they didn't want the surgery yet. They paged the doctor but before he got there Toia started coding. when the doctor arrived he called a code blue and took her to the OR with Alex's concent, to operate and accommodate the cord so it wouldn't be risk to Toia nor the baby.

It was about midnight and Toia wasn't out yet and she had entered about two hours ago. As they never told us how long the surgery took we didn't know if it was normal, or not. Ana and I were really optimistic and thought that was the normal amount of time, but Alex was worried. He couldn't stop thinking the worst possibilities. He started getting very, very scared. We called a nurse and asked if they could help him, he was starting to have trouble breathing. He was admited to a room in a different floor from Toia so Ana went with him and I stayed in Toia's room waiting for news, and that was when one of the surgeons told me that they were closing her up and that as they had done this they were able to know the gender. I went to update Ana and Alex and he started feeling much better and so they took his bed to Toia's room and he could be discharged that same night, as for Toia nothing was certain. I waited until she woke up with Ana and after Alex was discharged we went home.

Alex's POV

When Sofi came to tell me that Toia, the love of my life, was out of surgery I felt a huge relief. I asked if I could be discharged to go and see my wife after all knowing she was better healed me. They didn't want to discharge me right away but they moved me to the same room as Toia. It didn't take long until she woke up, once she was up her friends left. I asked Toia how she was feeling and told her that we had the chance to know now the gender. She said she wanted to know so we asked a nurse to page our doctor and reveal the gender.

Toia's POV

That was it, I was about to know if I was having a baby girl or a baby boy. I always wanted a baby girl after all Marcos is my baby boy. I would love any, all I know is that I'd love them the same way. After we paged the doctor he came.

- So, as you know we were abled to find out the babies...- did the doctor just said BABIES, as in plural.

-Yeah we know they are two.- Alex said.

- Well, actually three.

- Wait I'm carrying three babies in my uterous.

- Yes, two are girls and one boy. - the doctor continued.- congratulations.

After saying that the doctor left.

- Oh my god alejo, we are having three babies!!!!

- I know I can't believe it, how will we be able to handle three babies.

- I'm in shock but I'm really happy too. What I don't understand is, yo have twins you have to have a gene at least one of us, and I think there are none twins in my family.

- In my there aren't at least that I know of. I guess it was a miracle. Well we should go to sleep and rest, today was a long day.

Following day- og narrator

7:10 up and ready for school. Still a little worried about Toia so I texted her and asked her how she was feeling. This was what we talked about...

chat with Toia:

Hi Toiaaaa

How are you feeling?

You didn't seem well yesterday

Hi merchuuu

I'm much better, we had some problems but everything is fine

Thank you for your help yesterday❤️

what kind of problems??

well, I had to have surgery but everything is fine and we got to know the name of our babies, which are three not two🥰

really???That's amazing what are they boys or girls?

One boy and two girls

Awww I'm so happy for you and Alex

end of chat

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