Inconvenient questions | Chapter 19

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Realizing that there was no way she would tell me where we were going I put my headphones and started listening to beetlejuice. When I was listening to home my mom said:

-Look out the window to see where we are...

At first I didn't understand why we were in an airport... but then I realized. She had brought me to say goodbye to Marcos. I was so happy , although we had already said our goodbyes it was really nice seeing him one last time. What I didn't know was that Marcos had told this to my mom before I arrived at my house the previous day. I went running to hug him, his plane wasn't leaving for another hour so we went to have something at a cafe in the airport. We talked for a while and I recommended some places my producer had told me we would go to. Most of them were restaurants or shops, not landmarks.

At about 15:15 he had to start doing the queue for the plane. We said one last goodbye and I stayed staring at the plane through the window until it took off. My mom came by my side and hugged me. Once the plane took off I left. My mom bought me something to have before the rehearsal, and took me there. It was the first time I was punctual. I could never get on time because of school and the distance. The only person I knew was Juan because Emi hadn't arrived. We talked for a while until rehearsal begun.

The first class we had was choir, we started practicing "You're in the Band". Ten minutes after the class started Emi arrived. The teacher told her that she couldn't be late, she told her why she arrived late. Anyhow we continued practicing, after choir we had dance. We practiced the song that we had been doing and then we were given 5 minutes to drink water and rest. I went to talk to Juan. I told him what had happened with Marcos and he really cheered me up. He asked me if I wanted to go out tonight. I told him that I had made plans with the girls but I told him that if he wanted he could come, he accepted the invitation. We continued practicing until 8:30 when rehearsal finished. I had asked Emi's mom who had come to pick us up if she could take Juan and me to Jaz's house, she said she had no problem.

The whole ride we sang songs from musicals, it wasn't just the three of us, Emi's mom also knew some songs and sang with us. When we arrived at Jaz's house, Pichu and Milo were already there. We decided to call delivery instead of going to a restaurant. We called Pizza Way and ordered 2 pizzas one of muzzarella and one with ham. It arrived in 15 minutes. Jaz and I went downstairs to pay, on the elevator ride Jaz said:

-I see that you are getting really close to Juan huh...

-Yeah I guess, he is really nice and I am seeing him a lot and it will continue this way between ACMBA, School of Rock and then New York.

- If you say so...

-Hey, I really mean it, he's just a friend and actually I see him very friendly with you and Milo.

-haha really lets promise not to tell anyone about this conversation.

-okay, okay.

We paid the delivery man and went upstairs. When we came with the pizza and heard Pichu saying:

- Juan would you marry Milo?

Jaz looked at me I did the same thing and then we looked at Milo, she was about to laugh until Juan said "YES". We all froze and Milo said:

-Really you would? Why? I mean you're really nice but we just met.

-I mean...maybe I should go...umm...bye-and Juan started leaving.

I caught him in the kitchen and asked him the reason for his answer.

-Mery, please don't tell them this but I think that I like Milo, and clearly she doesn't like me back. I shouldn't have answered that and certainly not that fast.

-Juan don't worry. Besides I'm sure she'll forget about it, there's no need to feel akward, lets just have fun.

We decided to go back and Milo was about to kill Pichu. Luckily she controlled herself and stopped and then started laughing at the kind of question that Pichu had made. Then they hugged each other. When they saw we were there Milo came close and hugged Juan and said:

-I know that probably you don't mean it and in the rush of the questions you answered without thinking haha.

Then I started to feel akward because of what he had just told me. Jaz had already cut the pizza in between the drama. We continued asking this akward questions, but avoided making questions as impacting as Pichu's. When we finished eating Milo and Pichu went to Volta right around the corner while Juan, Jaz and I made popcorns for the movie we were going to watch.

Pichu's POV

When we were going to Volta I started laughing ad told Milo how sorry I was for that kind of question. Luckily she had taken it with humor and wasn't angry, we just laughed that I had thought of that question. When we got to Volta we bought a kilo of ice cream.

OG Narrator

While making the popcorns, I talked to Juan and he decided on his will to tell Jaz what he had told me. Jaz and I felt bad for Juan but if Milo hadn't said that it would've probably been worse, this way they could at least be friends and forget everything, or that was what we thought would happen, but little did we know...

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