Milan? - part 2 | Chapter 42

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- Good morning Juan, Mili. - the Portuguese teacher said as she entered the class, Pichu was behind her and mouthed "sorry". - so shall we start? Firstly sorry for the delay, there was a big traffic jam. Please open your pdf's on page 6. Since last class we made a brief introduction to the language today we will be learning some basic words, some verbs, nouns and pronouns. I want to warn you one thing since you all speak Spanish. The orthography of words in Portuguese is against most of the rules in Spanish. Some words which you would never write with certain letters are written that way so it will be hard at first and once you know it you will definitely have trouble writing in both languages but hopefully, you'll get the hang of it. Mili did right?

- With a lot of practice yes, I learned to write in Portuguese before in Spanish so my teachers thought I was stupid at first I would write "cuando" with "Q" as in Portuguese instead of a "C" like in Spanish, and the same problem with other words and letters.

-Ohh - Pichu said wanting to die.

-Well I am in big trouble - I said joking.

- Don't worry you will learn it, it's a matter of time.

Mery's POV

I was intrigued by what was going on, on Jaz's mind. She wasn't paying attention at all on class and earlier was very pending on her phone, which she never is. I decided to ask her, I was very optimistic given the fact that there was a high possibility she wouldn't tell me. I waited till break to ask her.

- Hey Jaz, can I ask you something?

-Umm sure.

-Who were you talking to earlier? You were really invested in your conversation.

- Okay I'll tell you, but you have to promise you won't make fun of me.

- Of course I won't.

- I was talking to Jocho

-Wait what? Jocho as in?

-Yes, your best friend Jocho.

-How is he? We haven't talked in ages.

-Yeah, his still jealous about Marcos, he still likes you, you know? And he's fine.

-Oh..really? It's been 7 months, I thought he was over it.

-Not really...anyway, we've been talking for a while and we realized we had a lot in common.

-And, do you like him?

-To be honest, no. At first, I thought I did but as we talked I realized him I liked him just as a friend.

-Girls are you coming? The seniors are waiting for us. - Mariana said from across the room.

-And the juniors? - I asked

-No idea, only Pichu is with them, we can ask her later.

Milo's POV

After class, I wanted to tell Juan the truth. I was really nervous but I had to rip the bandage, it would be easier, hopefully.

-Juan! Wait! - I yelled as he was leaving the room with Pichu. - Pich can you leave us alone? - she looked at me with a face of "I need to see this" - Please?


-So, what's up?

-I have to tell you something, it's important. And I probably should've told you earlier and please don't be mad at me for not telling you.

-What happened?

-You promise you won't be mad?

-I do, and besides, I doubt anything you do could make me be mad at you.

-Okay, here's the thing, I wasn't honest with you.

-With what?

-Just let me finish. When I blew you off, it wasn't because I don't like you. I'm not saying I do - I started panicking - okay, I sort of am. Look, I never liked anyone, and no one ever liked me, and I got nervous when you got close to me because I never felt like this and I hadn't embraced it yet, and it took me time to come to terms with it and I feel awful that I made you feel bad. I am so sorry and I understand if you are mad at me. - He stayed silent for a couple of seconds and then said.

- Like I promised I'm not mad, and I could never be mad for this.


-Of course not, it's much better this scenario than me opening up and you actually to liking me.


-But really, why would I be mad?

-I don't know, I was mean to you.

-But it wasn't on purpose and it makes sense, it really does.

He started getting close to me. I started getting nervous. He grabbed my hips and pulled me close to his body. We were face to face, looking deep in our eyes, it was as if the whole world didn't exist, only we did. We were about to kiss when Pichu came in to grab her computer. We pulled away from each other and acted as normally as possible, just like in movies we were really awkward, the three of us stared at each other until Pichu broke the silence.

-So I guess congratulations are in order?


-Cut the lies Juan, the three of us know what is going on here, there is no need of being odd around each other, if you don't want to tell the rest fine by me, it'll be our little secret.

-There isn't anything to tell really. - I said.

-Oh, right so the fact that you two almost kiss is nothing.

-Well we didn't and that's what matters - I added.

-But you would've if I hadn't interrupted.

-You don't know that...and promise not to tell anything, of what did not happen.

-The three of us know what we know.

Valen's POV

On our first break, we decided to all hang out together. As usually, my class finished a couple of minutes earlier. With the seniors, we decided to go and grab a snack at Starbucks. All I wanted was coffee I needed to boost my energy, however, I did not buy it at Starbucks. I went fast to our room and prepared one while the rest bought something to eat. I was the first one to get back, by then I saw Mariana and asked her to call Mery and Jaz. Before she left Pichu arrived, she didn't stay much since she had forgotten something in the class and had to look for it. When Mery and Jaz came with Mariana we went outside to the yard to have a dose of fresh air. I grabbed a guitar on my way out. We started making it up as we went. A couple of minutes later the gang from Starbucks arrived and later Pichu, Juan and Milo. Pichu and Milo were looking at each other with tense in their eyes, while Juan's eyes were blank, he was avoiding eye contact with everyone.

-Juan is everything okay? - Mery asked

-Yes, yes - he stuttered.

-Are you sure? - she insisted.

-I said I'm fine - Juan answered annoyed and stormed out.

- I'll check on him. - Milo added as he left.

- Hey what's going on with Juan? - Mery asked Pichu.

-I'm not supposed to tell you. I'm sorry, I wish I could, but I promised I wouldn't.

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