Let me know | Chapter 29

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Pichu's POV

While we were having lunch, Mery left to make a phone call and I left to have a walk when I started receiving messages from Juanma. At first, I wasn't sure if I should answer so fast, or even answer. We hadn't been in good terms the last time we saw each other, besides why should I answer, we were miles apart and I wouldn't even have to fake a lame excuse I could just ignore it. That was what my mind told me, but my gut, sort of, wanted to answer and as soon as I received it, I read it.

I didn't know what to answer, so I started typing a paragraph in notes so that he wouldn't see that I was typing

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I didn't know what to answer, so I started typing a paragraph in notes so that he wouldn't see that I was typing. I wrote over 10 lines of conversation and when I was copying to send it to him I saw Mery through the reflection in my phone and I panicked for a second and locked it. I wanted to undo that but I couldn't, I couldn't act like nothing important had happened and now I was sort of forced to not tell her, because I had accidentally made a big deal of it when locking the screen. I felt kind of awkward because I realized what I was about to do, was I indirectly confessing that I like him, do I like him? I have no clue what I'm doing, I've never been in this place and why the hell did I fucking lock the damn screen. I basically screwed up everything up like I always do and now, the first time that I like someone I do this. Damn it.

Mery's POV

I told Pichu that I had talked to Marcos and she barely said a word, I decided to leave her alone to do whatever she was doing and went back with the rest. They were taking pictureson the streets and trees. Juan, Milo and Jaz were taking a picture in which Jaz and Milo were on some branches of a huge tree and Juan was pretending to hold them, the picture looked great and they were having a genuine laughter because of a joke they had said before I arrived. When I asked them what they were doing, they said:

- Most importantly, what were you doing..?- Valen said winking her left eye.

I tried to avoid talking about it and quickly asked if they wanted to go buy some dessert, but no one had finished lunch, except for Pichu and I. They had stopped eating to take pictures and left most of their food which they kept for later, because they lost appetite. We talked for a while, until Pichu arrived and we had to go to class. On our way Milo bought a bottle of water because she was so thirsty and had already finished her two bottles of one litre for rehearsal and her half a litre water from lunch. We arrived in good time so we were able to talk until the teacher arrived. John asked us if we had studied English from Britain or the US because we used mixed vocabulary, we explained to him that we studied British English but learnt American English from Netflix and youtube. As soon as we answered the vocal coach arrived. We had no idea who the teacher was or anything about them, until they entered the room. Out of nowhere we heard the door being slammed and saw someone entering, they were with a hood and clothes covering their identity, either to give us intrigue or to avoid being recognized in the street.

As soon as the coach entered the class they started to take off all the clothes and revealed that it was a woman and no other than Renée Elise Goldsberry, the one and only Angelica Schuyler. We all had different reactions and yet so alike, we were all on a high.

Jaz's POV

When Renée entered I started crying so much, I couldn't control it. I was so happy, there isn't a word that can describe the feeling. It was a unique moment, I had many moments like this throughout the whole process yet all so different.

Pichu's POV

I froze, I saw her and froze. I thought my eyes and mind were lying. I looked at Valen to see if she was just like I was and well she was even more shook, I mean Hamilton is her favourite musical and she DID just meet ANOTHER of the leads so...yeah. Eventhough I already knew it wasn't a dream, I still couldn't have a proper reaction.

Milo's POV

I can't describe it, it was so amazing and once in a lifetime. I started feeling my legs numb and trembling. She really was there, like, really there in flesh and bone.

Mery's POV

I started smiling and saw Pichu and the rest, we were all so shook. We weren't sure how to react. I was smiling and all of a sudden tears of happiness started falling of my eyes.

She had a huge smile and laughed when she started seeing how we reacted when she revealed her identity. She gave us five minutes to process everything and then began introducing the class, and what we were going to learn. We were having more individual classes because each one should learn different techniques for each character so in a future we would all go and wait to have the class alone or we someone else. It wouldn't be someone your character had to act with just have techniques alike, and later we would learn the songs.

It was a short class and it ended by 3pm and we were given the rest of the day off, but by six we had to be back at the hotel to get ready for a dinner, which we knew nothing about. We decided to go out to do some sightseeing. Milo and Mariana had already grabbed maps from the street and done research, both clearly were used to travelling and learning. They both agreed that we all should go first to a hop on hop of through the city because it was the best time of day. It wasn't rush hour or dark. We went to a near metro station and asked where we could buy tickets and they told us that we had to go on metro to another station and there we could find where to buy the tickets.

We grabbed our passages for the metro and hopped in. The metro went through 10 station in 10 minutes. Once we arrived at our stop my group went out and because we had gone in two groups, the one I was on was formed by Angie, Valen, Jaz, Martin, Tobias, Pedro and I. We had left first. We decided to wait and waited for half an hour but the rest didn't arrive so I took out my phone to ask them where they were and realized that I had 20 messages and 10 missed calls from Pichu and the other group, Milo, Mariana, Juan, Francisco, John and Lukas, we had taken the wrong direction of the subway. We had divided ourselves into smaller groups before going to the metro, my group and I went to ask for directions and the waited for us to text them. When the received our text they realized that we had taken the wrong subway and tried to warn us but we had our phones hidden because it is known that people steal in the subway. We decided to grab the subway back but there was an accident and it didn't arrive until 20 minutes after. Meanwhile the other group waited for us on the correct station.

Juan's POV

Milo and Mariana were talking and one of them realized that we were about to take the wrong side of the metro and that the first group had taken it. They decided that we should take the correct one and instead of stopping in the station for the tour we should stop two stations before on the hotels stop and text and call Mery and the rest. We all started calling but it would leave us on voicemail. We told them not to stress just to take the other subway and come to the hotel. It took them a while to answer and we were getting nervous because we were already at the hotel and we hadn't heard anything from them. Luckily, a phone started ringing, we all had our ringers at maximum and were waiting. We went to the living room of our apartment where all the phones were to see who had called. It was Pichu's phone and it was a call from Mery. She answered and asked where they were and if they were okay, she put the phone on speaker but we could barely hear them, there was too much noise from outside. However, we did our best to tell them where to go, they where really lost and weren't sure what to do.

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