Night times | Chapter 31

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Long story short, we discussed our dream jobs (the ones that we would usually think are actually possible). Martin was the opposite to what argentinian teenagers call "tincho" which is pretty ironic because Tincho is short for Martin. His dreams are to become an accountant and work with Angie who wants to create her own brand, she is very creative. Francisco on the other hand is quite Tincho, he was working on a rugby scholarship for a University back in Spain. John wants to become a lawyer and work with his parents. Pedro and Tobías want to become doctors, Pedro a surgeon, just like Milo he loves Grey's Anatomy. While Tobías wants to be a endocrinologist and specialize in infertility.The reason for this is that his mother had to go through hell to be able to have him so he wants to help other women like her have children. Lukas doesn't have a career chosen but he loves maths and physics so he is considering a more engineering profession. Next comes Mariana just like Milo, Jaz, Pichu, Valen and I, has no idea. Lastly Juan wants to study journalism design and publicity to work at big companies. Angie and Martin said that maybe he could work with them, they even started thinking of a logo and we all helped out it was really fun.

We also included Jacob, he told us some juicy stuff. The musical we are working on has two adults in it and he said that they are well known Broadway artists, but he can't tell us who they are, we know it is a man and a woman because we know the character list. We started plotting about who they could be, we thought maybe Anthony Ramos, Christopher Jackson and Karen Olivo since all of them worked for more than one Lin Manuel-Miranda production, but we weren't really sure. The rest of the dinner wasn't really interesting. At about 7:30 pm we went back to the hotel. When we got upstairs we were really shocked because Lin was there and we weren't aware that we were meeting. He told us that the apartment division we had was being changed. Initially they divide always boys and girls just for the fact that usually nobody knows anyone but since this time groups were more created from the beginning and we still hang out all together we could choose who to be with. There wasn't much change other than Juan changed apartment with Angie.

It wasn't really late for our timetables so we all came to my groups apartment and we watched Barbie movies, well all except the boys who don't really like Barbie. They left to catch some fresh air. We chose to watch Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses. I love the movie, I watched it while growing up just like all of the old Barbie movies. When the movie ended we called Juan to tell him that they could come back. However, it was 9:53 pm and kinda late for the life we were living there so he came back alone, Angie went to her apartment and we went all get ready to sleep. Jaz, Valen and I share a room and Milo, Pichu, Mariana and Juan another. In the morning we found out that the six of us had trouble sleeping.

For my bedroom it was basically because Valen made a weird question. She asked whether we considered cereal a soup. She had been using whatsapp and saw that Milo had a sent a meme to our group with our friends from Argentina and had that thought in her head. We all bursted into laughter. And as expected created a debate. None of us actually thought it was soup, but we tried to see through other people's perspective which was really hard. We were trying really hard to find real reasons but all it did was fill us with energy. Jaz was completely against it and said more than once "it's called cereal with milk for a reason and not soup of cereals". Every time she said it we started laughing. It wasn't really funny but we were exhausted and yet filled with energy. After about two hours of talking about that, we started watching a movie since we couldn't do much from our room without waking up the rest of the group.

Pichu's POV

Last night Milo, Juan, Mariana and I had trouble sleeping. In our bedroom we have four beds. Two of them are above the other two. I sleep under Milo's bed and Juan sleeps over Mariana's bed. When we first went to sleep we were tired and "willing" to sleep. It's not that we were trying to stay awake. We wanted to have a good sleep so as to have energy the following day. However, things didn't go as planned. Juan and Mariana were asleep, I was trying and Milo wanted to go to the bathroom. The thing is, when she got down from the bed, she expected for it to be like the one at her house, but it was taller so she fell. She didn't get hurt but she started laughing and passed it to me. Clearly I couldn't control my laughter and accidentally woke Mariana and Juan who also started laughing and weren't angry for waking them. We tried to go back to sleep but no one could. At first I knew Mariana was awake because I could see her but I couldn't reach to see Milo or Juan, so I waited some time before checking on them. After about five minutes I received a text from Milo saying "hey are you awake? Juan and I are but we can't see if you and Mariana are and I don't want to fall again jk" I told her Mariana and I were awake. Once she read the message she told us to go to her bed. Once the four of us were in the bed we decided to create a group of our bedroom so if something like this happened again we could ask through there, we called it "ny bedroom✨" it isn't original but we didn't have much memories to replace it other than "milo fell". Until about 6:30 we talked about literally anything. When we realized the time we decided to go to sleep so as to have at least an hour of sleep. That was our original plan but we realized that we had energy and falling asleep would stop it so we decided to but the groceries and get ready so that when the girls woke up we could prepare them. We got ready silently because we thought they were sleeping. We went to the supermarket two blocks away. We wanted to make a good breakfast so we bought eggs, oj, granola, already done starbucks coffee (those that come in a bottle), bagels, philadelphia cheese, eggo waffles, yoghurt, milk and swiss miss cocoa with marshmallows. We bought plenty of food so as to have for about a week and not only one thing but a varied breakfast. It was still early for the girls to wake up and Milo and I wanted to do some "exercise". Mariana and Juan went back to the apartment with the groceries and we went for a walk.

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