Stress | Chapter 20

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1 month later

The past month I haven't had much time for school luckily I was written a permit to miss class and deliver works late. The school was really understanding. Most of my days are school rehearsal, either of School of Rock, or Wicked or The Sound of Music. Today we had The Sound of Music rehearsal we were finding out who was playing Maria, although most of us knew Sofi was playing it, after all it was her dream role and she was perfect for it. School was as usual, when it ended, Jaz and I went to rehearsal, on our way we ran into Eli and Mark.

When we got to Oakhill kindergarten where the rehearsals were rehearsals took place, Milo and Pichu had already arrived. A few minutes after we got there we had to go upstairs so they would tell us who was playing Maria. Of course Toia was giving the announcement.

- As all of you know today we are revealing who will be playing Maria-Toia started- this person most of you know she is...Mica.

Mica Hempe appeared and came to say hi. I looked at my friends we were all shocked.

-Today she'll be working with me and the following classes she'll be practicing with the kids and Von Trapp.-Toia continued.- Okay so the kids will have dance now the adults choir with Sofi and Mica theatre.

How was that possible, how wasn't Sofi, she was born for that role. We thought that they were playing a prank on us at the beginning but when they divided us onto activities we realized it was true. After dance we had choir with Sofi. Of course we asked why she wasn't playing Maria she said that Toia had chosen her but that although it was her dream role she was full of activities this year and wouldn't have time to practice, she said that she was the one who chose Mica to play Maria. We were all in awe. That class was really fun, we practiced "So Long, Farewell", this was one of the songs I was most looking forward with Do-Re-Mi.

When choir ended we went upstairs again because Toia had another announcement that she had forgotten of. No one knew what it was about but I thought that she was going to tell us who was replacing Marcos.

-So, first of all as you all know Marcos was given a scholarship in New York so he can't take part of the show, this month we have been thinking of who could have the role, and we chose a boy from group 2, Juan Miranda, another announcement is that actually the Sofi is playing Maria, as most of you for years have known that it's her dream role and we can all agree that she is perfect for it we decided to play a prank on you, Mica is going to be the choir teacher.

That moment we all stared at Sofi who laughed and then came close to us and said.

-I can't believe that you believed me, even if I were full of activities I would make time for my dream role, you should always remember that .

We all started laughing and decided to close the rehearsal by singing Do-Re-Mi with the real Maria. After rehearsal I went home and texted Marcos as I had been doing for the past month, there's only one hour difference so he wasn't at school or sleeping so he texted me back a few seconds later. I told him about today's rehearsal and the prank they had played on us. After talking with him for about an hour I showered and went to eat, in the dinner table I was falling asleep, those days I could barely sleep because during the night was the only time I could study and do homework. As I didn't have anything for the following day because it was a holiday I went to sleep early.

I woke up the following day at 11am, I had slept over 12 hours. As I had a lot of energy I began doing as much homework as I could and studying, on my breaks I practiced for the shows. We had lunch at about 15:00 instead of eating with my family I grab some food and studied, I had many tests to do online. These were only for me so that I could organize myself better with school, with all the support coming from the school I was able to still get good grades I was even the second highest average. At about 18:30 Marcos started calling me, he said that he was given a school break and he was coming to meet me the following week, I was really excited until I realized that I didn't have time, instead of getting upset I decided to organize myself and make some time for my boyfriend.

At about 20:30 I had a shower to release my stress, after that I practiced my song for school of rock and the one that I had for wicked because I had got Elphaba, I practiced No Good Deed because it was the one that I knew the less. After over and hour of rehearsal I had dinner, this time I did have it with my family but when we finished eating I went to do some more homework, and went to sleep early again so that I had energy for school and Wicked rehearsal.

I woke up the following day full of energy, I got ready for school, but when I was about to leave, I started to feel bad. My mom realized that it was because of stress but she still called a doctor just in case. When the doctor arrived, I already felt better but my mom wanted to be sure that I wasn't sick anymore. The doctor said that I had my defenses very low. My mom told me not to go to school for the rest of the day but she let me go to ACMBA because she was sure that it would take my mind off all the school stress.

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