Voicemail | Chapter 45

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Milo's POV

When I got home I went to have a shower, and when I was done I went to clean up my room before going to help my friends prepare thanksgiving dinner. I grabbed my phone to check my messages and I had a missed call from Noah. He had left me a voice mail, I decided to listen to it. Since I was alone I listened to it on speaker.

Mery's POV

While setting the table, Juan and I were listening to a podcast with his AirPods connected to my phone, however, out of nowhere the podcast stopped, we supposed it had been disconnected from my phone, but when I went to connect it, the AirPods didn't appear as available. We weren't sure what had happened until we heard a voice, Noah's voice. But he wasn't here...

"Hey Milo, I'm glad we cleared up things earlier, I promise I won't tell anyone until you feel like it, I know you don't want to hurt Juan, and he means a lot to you so I'll keep what happened to myself. But I can't deny it'll be hard, especially having to be distant from you after the kiss."

After hearing that voicemail Juan looked at me, he was heartbroken and confused. It was then when we realized that the AirPods weren't available because they connected to Juan's phone which was in his room, in which Milo was in. But the worst part was that hearing was on, so we could hear everything going on, and Noah's audio wasn't the only thing we heard.

Milo's POV

The message Noah left was really sweet so I decided to record him an audio message in response.

"Hi Noah, I'm glad to have heard from you, I'm happy you aren't mad that I told you not to come up. What happened with Juan was a really delicate situation and we haven't fully recovered ever since and I feel like I owe it to him, to be honest, but it's not the time at least not yet. I know I'm on his past and so is he in mine, but it doesn't take away what we felt a couple of months ago."

Mery's POV

After hearing Milo say that, Juan left the apartment completely heartbroken. Despite what Milo thought he still had feelings for her and strong ones. I wanted to chase him but he slammed the door on his way out, leaving a clear message that he wanted to be alone, there wasn't anything I could do other than fulfilling his wish to be alone.

Milo's POV

After recording the audio I heard the front door close brutally so I went to see who had left, I couldn't find Juan in the living room so I assumed he left but I didn't fully understand until Mery approached me and told me what she and Juan had heard.

-So you heard everything?

-Yes, I'm sorry.

Mery's POV

-I should be the one apologizing after all I did what I was so determined to avoid. I hurt Juan's feelings by lying to him - Milo felt really guilty, and I didn't want to make her feel worse, but she had to know the whole truth.

-Actually, you lying to him wasn't the reason he left so upset.

-Wait how's that possible then why would he leave so angry?


-Please do not say it - Milo said as she realized the reason for that sudden departure.

-Yeah, he still has feelings for you...

-Great - Milo said sarcastically - Now I have not only hurt him but ruined thanksgiving for him. How could I've been so stupid, I knew I didn't have to kiss Noah, I was so focused on avoiding falling for Juan that I did something far worse, I hurt him as nobody else did.

-You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, there was no way you could've known.

-Of course there was, we weren't distant because of him, it was because of me, I kept pushing him away until he stopped trying. I should've been more careful. I have to talk to him, do you know where he might be?

-My best guess is the stage in the Theatre.

-Okay, thanks! I'll come back in just a bit.

Milo's POV

I went after Juan hoping he'd at least hear me out. I knew how he probably felt, I had really hurt him, and I wasn't even able to be honest with him. When I got to the theatre I saw him sitting in the piano. I went near and sat with him. We stayed that way for a couple of minutes until he broke the silence.

-Why? - he started.


-Why? Why did you lie to me?

-I don't know...

-Yes you do, stop lying. - He said with a louder tone.

-I wasn't sure how you'd take it.

-So you thought hiding was better?

-No, I didn't I just had to find a way to tell you.

-There's no way of telling other than by trying. Hurting my feelings was pretty unavoidable, and you knew that. There had to be another reason.

-No, there isn't.

-Stop lying please.

-I'm not lying Juan!!

-Really? So you still having feelings for me isn't a reason? Or is it not important enough?


-I know you still feel something towards me other than wanting to be buddies.

-I never said that... - I was confused and I knew he wasn't lying.

-You didn't but Mery did, and it was quite obvious. You change your voice when you lie, and when you said "I know I'm on his past and so is he in mine" I instantly knew you were lying and before leaving I asked Mery, and she confirmed it.

-She did what?

-Oh c'mon don't be mad at her you know well that even if she had denied it I'd still know that.

I wasn't sure of what to do, he was right. But I had kissed Noah earlier and I did feel something towards him. Maybe it wasn't as strong as what I felt for Juan, but I had to forget him in some way.

-Look Juan, yes, I care for you and I am very deeply sorry. But we would keep on hurting each other, and it is for the best that I'm with Noah. All we can do now is look towards the future and forget anything happened because nothing did.

-Yes, something did happen. We said what we felt, and even if you weren't brave enough at the time, I still wonder what would've happened if I hadn't let that stop me of doing something...- he said and doubted.

-Do what?

-This - he said confidently.

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