Broken glass | Chapter 38

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Mery's POV

After everyone left I stayed and stayed reading a book I had bought a little before I left Argentina. I was able to get to the middle of it, it was really gripping. After a while of reading I sat on the living room and watched TV until I heard the keys jangling.

- Mery? Are you here? - I heard Milo's voice.

- Yes, in the living room is everything okay? I thought you'd be out longer.

- There was a little accident, Pichu fell down. - as Milo said that Pichu entered by the side of someone I did not know.

- Hi, you are? - I said gesturing towards the boy by Pichu's side.

- I'm Noah, I met the girls at the rink when the accident occured.

- Oh, hi Noah, I'm Mery is nice to meet you.

- Same here.

- Pichu you should sit.

- I'm fine Milo. You heard the nurse I just have to stay with this and not do any physical activity for a couple of weeks.

-Did you know they added a new series to Netflix, "Emily in Paris" I was planning on starting it tonight would you like to start it with me? - Milo said changing of subject.

- I already watched it but I have no problem in seeing it again - Noah answered.

- Already? They added it today! - Milo responded

-Yeah well my sister is obsessed with Lily Collins and made me stay up late to watch it with her. She likes seeing netflix with me I don't know why.

- I already like her - Milo said.

- Me too - I added.

-Me three - we heard Pichu yell from the couch. - by the way Noah, how old is she?

- She's ten, today's her birthday.

- God I wish I had a younger sibling - Pichu said.

- Well, she is an angel when she wants if not she can be unbearable hahaha.

- Well I guess its the price right? - I said jokingly.

- Hahahha I guess it is.

We were half way through the third chapter when once again I heard the keys jangle. This time they couldn't open the door.

- Who is it? - Pichu yelled unwillingly to stand up, Noah and Milo were on the kitchen laughing at the disaster they had done trying to figure out the refrigerator.

- Juan, Jaz, Val, the brothers and I - Mariana answered.

-Coming - I said as I went to open the door.

- Hi, is Milo here? - Juan asked shyly.

- Yep, she's in the kitchen - I said while hearing her laugh with Noah.

- Hey we should buy dinner right? - Valen said - Pichu, you wanna come?

- Sure! Let me grab my wallet, by the way I won't be able to hold many bags I hurt my arm ice-skating earlier.

- Don't worry - Jaz said.

- Well, I'll stay here with Milo and Juan - I said taking out Noah since none of them knew him - oh and you should tell our neighbours to come later for dinner maybe they can go with you and you pick together what to eat.

- Absolutely - Juanma said.

After they left I went to the bathroom to brush my hair and put it up on a bun, when I heard a loud noise. I went running to the kitchen and saw glass on the floor. When I got there I realized I had "encouraged" Juan to go to the kitchen, and so "caused" the accident. I mean he asked where Milo was and I answered but I hid the fact that she was with a boy we had just met, which isn't something terrible, except it is given the circumstances. Well the thing is Juan got to the kitchen and saw them pretty tight, it was tight to my view so to Juan's I can't even imagine, his heart was probably pumping more jealousy through his veins than blood. Anyways, when I got to the kitchen no one was really hurt but there were some punches being thrown around and the glass which I thought someone had got hurt with was actually of Milo which fell when the first punch was seen. Noah decided to leave, he was barely hurt, as soon as Juan intended to punch him he turned to wrestling which he had clearly done from what I had seen so instead of someone getting hurt he just immobilized his "opponent" which wasn't even an opponent, Noah knew Milo liked Juan and the other way around, he wasn't even being romantic with Milo, they were just laughing at their suckiness to understand how to manage to make some ice on the refrigerator. Milo started sweeping the glass to avoid any injuries, meanwhile, I sat down with Juan. After sweeping, Milo went to have a shower, after such a long day when the bell rang, which was the icing on the cake for this already awful day...

Milo's POV

I went to have a shower to clean off the horrible day I had lived. As I stood in the shower thoughts and memories of that day came to my mind: "C'mon what I have to look somewhere else?" " I won't stop looking at you, but you can close your eyes if you want" "Do you love him?". I had held my feeling on for too long, I had to free them, without noticing I was crying like a weeping willow. Once I finished I put on some comfy clothes and put my hair on some dutch braids I had recently learned to do. When I got to the common room I saw someone I thought wasn't coming over tonight after all, and I did not expect to be in such a situation.

- Hello...Marcos? - I said doubting.

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