What you mean to me | Chapter 16

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It was friday morning and I got ready for school, as always I had some extra time. When I was waiting for the time to leave I received a text from Marcos. He was asking me out on a date that night. I didn't have anything planned but I wanted to call Toia to see how she was feeling. The school day as always was boring, I think I'll stop naming it because I really do not like it. Well at 4:30 I went home and watched some netflix, after that I had a shower and got ready for my date.

At 7:30 he picked me up, but for my surprise we weren't alone, In the car Toia was with Alex and so was Sofi. We were all on a triple date, but the twist was that for Sofi it was a blind date. In the ride to the restaurant Alex and Marcos explained everything.

Marcos's POV

Friday at 2 am I texted Toia asking for advice on a date, and she told me to ask Alex how to plan a date. When I told him the reason why I wanted to take Mery out he told me that he also wanted to show Toia his love. Of course Mery knows that I love her and Toia knows that Alex loves her but sometimes it's nice being showed that affection, so he said we could to a double date. When we were planning I remembered that Mery had told me that in the camp the girls shipped Sofi with Alfonso that was one of the teachers who went to teach a lesson, I told Alex that maybe we could do a triple date with one blind date and he agreed, he just had to talk it with Toia.

Alex's POV

After talking with Marcos I told Toia our idea, of course before telling her everything I asked her out. At first she seemed really excited especially knowing that things with Mery and Marcos were going well, however when I added Sofi's part she didn't seem so convinced. She said that she had already told the girls in the camp that Alfonso and Sofi were really different, but then she remembered Sofi talking with the girls about him, previous to her getting in the room.

Toia's POV

When I had entered that room in the camp Sofi seemed really happy talking about Fon/Alfonso. I never thought of them as an item, but maybe it could workout, maybe I was wrong. I didn't want to expose my friend anyway, so I texted Fon and told him about our plan. I didn't told him who he was going on a date with and I added that the other person didn't know who she was going out with. He agreed, but the problem now was convincing Sofi. She never really liked going out with men, so it would be hard convincing her but I did my best.

chat with Sofi

hi sofiiii

how are youuu??

very well

okay soo...

here's the thing

I have set you up on a blind date

what do you think?

there's no way i'm going

c'monnn pleasee

he already agreed

besides you don't even know who it is

fine, but what if it doesn't go well?

it will anyways, it's a triple date with Mer and Marcos, Alex and I


end of chat

I did it, after a lot of tries I convinced Sofi of going on that blind date. Now I had to tell Alex so he could text Marcos and he would ask Mery out.

Marcos's POV

The triple date was on way, Sofi was on to it and so was her blind date, Alex and Toia agreed and then I texted Mery and she accepted. That day I was really nervous this could go one of two ways, it could be a complete disaster, Sofi and Fon would be really unconfortable, Mery and I wouldn't get along and Toia and Alex would feel badly for helping me plan all this, or Sofi and Fon could start liking each other and it could grow into something special, Mery and I could be as good as now and Toia would feel well. At 7 Alex, Toia and Sofi picked me up and we went to Mery's house to pick her up.

Back to OG narrator

I got to the car and freezed, why were there so many people, then they explained everything and it all made sense but something I still didn't know and neither did Sofi, who was her blind date, I was hoping it was Alfonso but Toia had said very clearly that she would never set Sofi up with him, because they were really different, so who could it be.

We went to eat to Il Gato. When we arrived at the restaurant Toia looked through the window to see if Sofi's date was there, and indeed he was, she had brought to pieces of cloth to avoid Sofi from looking at her date before they being aside and the same way for her date. She got into the restaurant first with one of the cloths to tie his eyes and Alex tied Sofi's eyes before she got out of the car then, the couple was guided to each other and at the same time the blindfolds were removed from their eyes.

Sofi was really shocked, she had a slight smile and so did Fon. I was really happy for him being her date. I think both of them freezed because they could barely say hello. We got a table for six and ordered the food. The meal was critical for Fon and Sofi's relationship. They started to break the ice, not because they didn't know each other but because they were both in shock. In the middle of the supper Sofi, Toia and I went to the ladies bathroom and Sofi asked if there was a reason for Fon being her date. At first she acted as she didn't like him, but she couldn't lie to her best friend, this is what Toia told Sofi when she asked for a reason for Fon being her date:

- You really like him, I noticed how you saw him at my wedding and other moments with my family. And I know you, I have't seen you look at someone that way since you know who- who are they talking about, did Sofi have a previous love no one knows about- I know he broke your heart and I also know that you haven't opened your heart again scared to getting hurt, but Fon would never hurt you, and the reason why everything was so awkward at the begining is because both of you have feelings for each other. I have seen the way he looks at you, when you give class he smiles sooo much, the same way you smile when he does something he feels passionate about, so this is why I set both of you up. Anyway you shouldn't thank me, you should thank Marcos for proposing the idea.

- Wait Marcos gave the idea?- I asked.

- Yes he said that I should set you up with someone you already knew and in which I saw at least a slight chance of making it work.

- Okay if that is true how did you think of him? I mean I never saw him that way.

- Well I remembered when he came to my wedding how you looked at him in a suit and how he looked you. Besides when he comes from Salta he asks if he is going to see you or not.

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