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Chanyeol's pov

Wow...I m so happy..

Baekhyun hyung is gonna drop me at school

But...thinking of last night...

Why did he walk out? He still don't want me as a real boyfriend ? Still thinking that I m not old enough?

"Yah park chanyeol! ! r u finish?" He shout from outside

"Nae hyung...I m finish..coming..."

Will i look greedy if u say I want to kiss him?

But...I m happy being beside him..

On the way...

"Hyung...which time will u off from work?" I ask looking at him driving

"I don't depends on work"

"Imm....what do u want to eat? I will cook for u"

"Think about ur study also...don't always do house chores. ."

"I don't have much to study. ..i mean for I m kind of free"

"Study hard"

"Arraso yo...tell me what do u want to eat?"

"It is u like"

"Wanna eat spaghetti? "


"Ok..I will make them when I reach home ..can I call u and ask when will u off?"

"I will call u..."

"Ok..don't forget hyung....oh hyung...u can drop me over there.."

He then stop car near my school

"Don't skip class" he warn me

" carefully hyung" i say and I open the car door...but before I step outside....

"Hyung.." i call so he turn and look at me..

*chu* I kiss him...

His eyes widen...

He quickly turn away and say

"Get out now"


"I said get out "

As he say I get out of car and close the door

He then drive away

*sigh* I m really..stupid...

Yah park chanyeol. .u know hyung don't like that and why ? Why did u do?

He is angry now...

Before I go into the school I take my ph out and type message to him

To hyung>> hyung..I m sorry...I didn't mean to...sorry...and don't forget to tell me when will u off..ok?

And I send message

And the whole day at school. .

I keep staring at ph..

Hoping for reply....but he doesn't reply to me school is over and yet..i don't get his reply

I go back to home

i rush to kitchen and see if things for making spaghetti is here..and I need some recipe to i rush to supermarket again

Everytime i remember ..I take out my oh and see no reply

I go back home after buying and wait for him without cooking..because I m afraid noodles will be cold when he eat so I want to treat him warm noodles

It is now 5 pm...and no ph or sms from him... is 7:30 pm...and still no sign of him

I sit on sofa hugging my kneels waiting for him...

It is 10 pm now...i hear the door open and I guess he is back

"Hyung? It is so late...I have waited for ur reply" i say..

But he don't reply no words..

"Hyung have u eaten ? I haven't eaten yet..i have been waiting for you " i add again

"U eat by urself. .I m already finished eating"

I don't angry at him but. ..I feel...I feel a little bit upset....

He then walk into his room

I go and open his door but he already locked it

"Hyung?" I call him hoping that he will listen to me

"I m sorry...I won't do that again if u don't like. .but don't act like that... pls...don't get angry hyung..."






"Good night hyung"

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