Chapter ♡ 16

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Baekhyun's pov

I sit down on sofa and watch TV

I feel like something is missing. .

I shock my head saying no..

"U should already forget him baekhyun-ya " i say to myself..

*beep beep*

I ph ring is sms

And it is from him and sms was..

"Hyung. ..i admit that is totally my mistake...can't u pls forgive me once? I promise I won't do that again...pls..hyung"

It is too late park chanyeol..

I shouldn't have fall for u  from the start..

We shouldn't start this relationship. .

Boys like u will want to go to places like clubs and meet girls..

I know it is will let u go ...

*beep beep *

I look at ph and another sms arrive

"I m in park in front of ur condo. .I will wait u until u come...I definitely will "

"This kid is crazy is freezing outside" i say to myself and about to go..

But i stop in my way

"Why do I care?"I say to myself and sit again

Aish...I better go and sleep

I then head to bed

But..I can't sleep..

"Is he still waiting? No no ..he won't"


Chanyeol's pov

" is so cold...." i say as I rub my two hands..

It is already 1 am...I guess he already sleep..

Of course he won't come...I made him feel really upset

"I m freezing" i say..

Then the moment when he and I meet at the club and he said "an extra class?" flash back again

I was so stupid to lie to him..

Pabo pabo...

While I was talking and thinking by myself..I hear footsteps behind me

I turn and see


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