Chapter ♡ 32

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Baekhyun's pov

He scared me..

His harsh words..

His hard expression

I can't blame him...because I make him like that. .all my fault..

I have to apologies him

Now I m waiting for him at the entrance of his school..

When school is released..all students come out to entrance gate

I look at students and search him

Almost everyone is gone and their friends and him come out of school

He changed completely. .

He is now like a gangster or a delinquent

He is smoking and he has one girl under his arm

And his cloth is just necktie

When I see a different chanyeol...

I feel I have no courage to speak to him. .

When they come close to of his friend whisper to him and his eyes reach to me

I step back and back as they step towards me

Chanyeol and a girl left behind standing a far from me

But his friends head towards me

"Hey! What do u want? " one boy ask of his friend of course

"......." i have no word to say except scaring at them. .

"Hey freak...we r asking!" Another boy shout as he push my shoulder making me struggle a little

"Stop" a deep voice come from their behind

It is chanyeol..

He then step towards me...with a girl of course

"I think i warned u" he say and leave me alone

I don't know what to do or how to say... I can't even say ' I m sorry' to him

I m left like a coward alone

I need a chance to talk to him alone and somewhere that is quiet


Chanyeol's pov

I changed myself

I will try to forget my old self..old freaking self

My friends changed me when i told them about how baekhyun treat me

They told me to forget baekhyun..they told me to make him suffer like i had

That night. .he followed me to club. .

I wasn't completely drunk..I made him to hate me but I think he thought I acted like that because I was drunk

So he came this morning also. .and I proved and showed him my changes..

He look like he don't believe what he is seeing

Then he came to me after school

And I told him " i think i warned u" and leave him

On the way...

My friends say ..

"Wow..chanyeol..u r so cool.."

"It is unbelievable that u can stay like that"

"This style suit u rather than sticking beside him u know?"

"Welcome to our group chanyeol-ya "

They say like that. ..

Yes. ..I m doing all right..

He don't need me so I don't need to stay beside him

Byun baekhyun. ..just feel the feelings of when someone u want to be with ignore u

Suffer that pain byun baekhyun

I want u to suffer more and more ...

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