Chapter ♡ 48

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Before Hani's accident,

In evening..

Hani set out of her house and make her way to Baekhyun's office

She is really bubbly today

And very happy..because her father told her to start choosing wedding dress

She is so happy that's why she is going to tell baekhyun

After a few min drive..she arrive at Baekhyun's office

"Good morning suho shi" she greet to Baekhyun's secretary

"Nae. Morning Hani shi..what's bring u here?"

"Oppa? Where is he? I have something to tell him. Hee he inside the office?" She ask

"No..Ms.. he went out somewhere"

"Somewhere? Where?"

"I can't tell u Ms".

"What? I m his fiancee..I should know"

"Ms... "


"I know I have no right to say but.."

"Just tell me"

"For my boss sake.. I have to tell u something. "

"Yes..palli..tell me"

"Do u know..baekhyun is...he is.."

"He is what? Ha ha..suho shi..just spit it out..u r making me nervous"

"He is...homo"

"..........." Hani froze for a moment... then she burst out into a big laughter..

"What a serious joke?"she say..

"I m sorry to say is true Ms. "

She is now quite and her smile disappear..and frown appear

"His boyfriend ..his name is Park chanyeol who is younger than baekhyun. They have known for so long and live together before baekhyun moved to ur country.

the reason why baekhyun moved out of this country a few years ago is because they two fought. There was misunderstanding.

They love each other so much that they don't know how to express. They always had conflicts. Their decisions were wrong.

But now..they met each other again. .both are mature enough to understand each other. The live bond between them is no joke. Trust me. Even me, an outsider, can see their love bond. So...what I want to say is don't break them apart. They are perfect by themselves.

I m so sorry so say but all I want is those two to happy TOGETHER. I hope u understand. And I apologise. "

Tears are running down from Hani's eyes..

She is sad and heartbroken not because baekhyun is gay

It is because she love him so much and she don't want to lose him.

She then wipe away her tears..

"I m not angry. It is ok..thanks for telling me.

I won't give up on baekhyun. Past is just past. I don't care about their love bond since it was already broken.

Baekhyun is my fiancee and I m gonna marry him.

I m sorry for my selfishness " she say and walk of the office to her car

After she sit in the car and start the engine and drive away

Now she started to cry again...


She is feeling deadly pain because she had known that she will never..NEVER get Baekhyun's love

Baekhyun will never give his heart to her.

That's what she is most heartbreaking about..

"I m not giving up...I m NOT giving up!!!!" She shouted and her vision become to blur because her eyes are full of tears .

Then she don't see the traffic turn to red and she drive at high speed then. .the car driving from green traffic lights directions hit her car at high speed. .

Her car roll 360° for 8 or 9 times. .


Dan Dan Dan. .

That's how accident occurred. .

I m planning to put some 18+scene

Do u guys like that?

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