Chapter ♡ 45

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Baekhyun's pov

I hug his back

Begging him to forgive me

"Pls chanyeol-ya. ...I love u...that is the truth that I can say now...and sorry "

He remove my hands from his waist and turn around

I can't help but my tears are falling down now

He then cup my face and wipe away my tears with his thumb

"I love u too ...I m just scare that I might have nightmares again "

"That would never happen again...I promise...I love u so much "

"I love u most hyung"

He then bend down and kiss me

I m so hungry for his kisses

We lead to bedroom while we r kissing

He then push me down to bed and hover over me

Our kisses lead to wet kisses

Then his lips go done to my jawline and neck leaving love marks

His hands travel below my shirt to my nipple

then he come up to face me

"I love u hyung" he say that again

"I love u too chanyeol-ya "


Now we two are lying on bed..and talking

"I went to ur house this evening " i say

"I knew it...that's why mom kept saying ms to go back home "

"Ha ha..she did ?"


"I love ur family so much "

"And I love u"

" me the way...yura..she is really grown up"

"Yes..she is like a teenage girl now"


*ph ring * that's my ph and I look at caller ID

That's from Hani 's father

I just ignore the call

"It's ok..u can pick up"

"Nah..I don't wanna"

*ph ring * My ph ring again and that is him also

"I think u should pick up"


*messang arrive * I look at the ph to check message

'Baekhyun-ya. .where r u now? Hani is hospitalised..pls pick up the ph and come to hospital right now..she needs u'


Annyeong guys..

I see many new readers and thanks to everyone who vote and comments

I m sorry that I can't follow u guys back because my following limit already now 1k

And thanks to everyone who comment 'I love u'

Gomawo my readers..

Pls continue to support me



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