Chapter ♡ 35

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3 years later...

At Incheon airport

"Why isn't he coming out yet?" A girl say as she looking at the entrance of arrival

"Oh..there he is...OPPA!!!!!oppa!! Here" she shout as she wave hand at him

"What r u doing here?" He ask with annoying looks

"I m going to pick u up of course" she answer

"Go home. I don't need a pick up"

"Mr. Byun baekhyun shi. U r so complaining. Come on let's go!" She say

Baekhyun finally return from U.S after 3 years

She? The girl is to say...who will be Baekhyun's fiancee

Of course baekhyun doesn't like her. And he will never like her.

I will explain to u guys

She will become his fiancee because there was a crisis in his company in past 3 years. And this girl's father help him alot .

Baekhyun is such a talented and handsome boy so he wanted baekhyun to marry his daughter.

They kind of made deal.

That is like a disaster for baekhyun.

Well..this is what happen

"Oppa. Shall we go to Italian restaurant? " she say as she cling Baekhyun's hand

Baekhyun shook her hand off

"Lee Hani " he say

"Don't call me by full name..just Hani"

"I said go back home "

"I don't want to tell dad about ur actions oppa. Don't make me angry" she say

Baekhyun has no choice.

"I want to rest now. I will go back home. Later at night I will come and pick u up for dinner" baekhyun say without emotion

" see you tonight oppa " she say and go away

Then baekhyun sigh


Baekhyun's pov

My life is really suck

I hate clingy girls..well..I really don't have no interest in girls

Korea. .I m back

"Boss!" Someone shout from behind and it is suho

"Aww..suho ya...long time no see "

"Nae... it is heavy right? Give me I will carry for u" he say and take my bag and put it into car and he open the door for me

I get inside the car after that he also get into driver seat and drive off

"So u will still be my secretary right?" I ask

"Of course. I have been waiting for u.. but..I heard u already have a fiancee "

"Don't talk about that. It annoys me "

"Nae.. and I bought new house for u. I hope u like it"


After minutes drive from airport

We arrive at my new house

It is no longer condo like my old house

It is a mansion.

"Do u like it?"suho ask


He help me carry my bags into the house

"Thanks a lot suho ya. I will treat u soon "

"It's pleasure. .have a nice day " he say and leave me

After he go back..

I look around my house

There is swimming pool,gym, glass house , barbecue place

I go into my room

It is big..

I lie down on my king size bed

"Let's have a nice stay in Korea " i say to myself

Then my home ph ring. .

I look at caller ID and it is from Hani

I don't answer the call

She then send voice message

"Oppa. .aren't u at home yet? Oppa tonight at 9 pm come to my home and pick me up. Let's go to bar. It is so long that I don't drink. I will be waiting...c you oppa.. saranghae "

-_- I hate girls really


I take shower and rest

When it comes near to 9 pm.

I change my clothes and drive to her home

She is already waiting outside

"Oppa..u r late"

"It is exactly 9"

"Let's go and have fun" she shout in joy

I m just tired of her


We arrive at bar/club so we get out of car

Before going in she say " Wait oppa" and she make my shirt a bit..

"It's ok" i say and shook off her hand a bit and go into the bar

She then follow me and cling to my hand

*mentally sigh*

We r about to sit at bar counter but..

"Unnie!" A girl shout and run towards us

"Oh...Hana " Hani say

"First time meeting . I m unnie's younger sister. Baekhyun oppa" that girl say

Younger sister? I never knew...she stay in Korea? And Hani stay in U.S?

What a similar name

"Who do u come with? Alone?" Hani ask her sister

She then look around and say

"Wait unnie..I will introduce u my boyfriend" she say and go to somewhere

"What boyfriend?" Hani say

We just stand there waiting for her sister to come

I look at the table and I have a feeling that I have been here..

Well..I won't think deeply .

"Here is my boyfriend" Hana say and I turn around to see them..

My eyes widen

I m frozen

"This is park chanyeol..he is my boyfriend " Hana say

"Oh..annyeong hasaeyo. .I m her unnie Lee Hani "

He is also froze in his place

"Aww..this is my fiancee. .byun baekhyun..oppa greet him" Hani say

But..I can't react anything now

He also seem to face unexpected things

Why him?

Why on my first day?

Why is this world so small?

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