Chapter ♡ 20

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Chanyeol's pov

That's no no...

There is no way hyung would accept him again isn't it?

He really hated him. .alot for leaving him behind..

Is it possible that he date him back?

With those thoughts...I walk and walk..

Finally I realise that I already in front of his house..

"*sigh* what m i doing here?" I say to myself

After a long thoughts and a long walk ..the last place I arrive is no other than his home

Should i ring the bell?

Should I not?

What should I say if I see him..?


The door suddenly open and I m just frozen in that place

I see him....and I m about to greet but

"What's wrong baekie?" A voice behind speak up

It is that Wu Yi Fan

"Aww...u..r..the one who meet in front of restaurant right?" Kris say

"Nae..annyeong hasaeyo "i greet and give a bow

"What r u doing here?" Hyung ask me

"A....that's. ..."

"I have seen u somewhere before" Kris say

Of course u jerk....u left my hyung and I comforted him with my whole heart

"Aww. ..I remember now. ..u r the one who always stuck beside baekie isn't it? Wow..look at u..u already grown up into a fine man"

"Thanks u"

"I m asking what r u doing here?" Hyung ask again

"i..I come to take my books that I left"

"Aww..u lived here?" That curious guy ask again

"Arnyi..just for a while when their parents gone for a trip. ..come in and take all urs" baekhyun hyung say

'Hyung...u r not even looking at me now...

And why is he inside ur house? What is he doing?'I say to him in my mind..

And I quickly walk inside the house and grab my books

"So..I will go back now.." i say

"Aww is cold outside..." Kris say

"Nae...hyung...i will go back now" i say to baekhyun hyung...

He say "aww" withoutlooking at me

I then get out of his house

"Wow. is so cold..." i say to myself


Baekhyun's pov

I take a glance out of window

It is must be so cold. ... and he is wearing a thin clothes

What a careless boy ....

"Baekie?" Kris say

"U also go back to ur home now. . It is late"

"Is he also ur ex?"


"Ur actions towards him is so caring yet u look like u pretend to avoid him"

"He is just a kid that I know him for a long time...and stop saying nonsense and go back home now"

"Whenever i meet him..I feel uneasy here" he say as he rub around his heart area

"Get out of my house before I get angry"

"Seeing u denying like that makes me curious more " he say

I then give him a deadly stare

"Ok ok...I will go now...sleep well baekie" he say and get out of my house

  After four or five min..

The bell ring again...

"Aish...that Kris. ..I will kill u.." i say and open the door. .

"What r......." my eyes widen when I see ....

Chanyeol standing in front of my room


" is cold. ." His body is shaking and he seems like he is freezing .

After that he fall onto me

"Yah...why ur body is like an ice....?? Yah ...chanyeol...Park chanyeol?"

He fell unconscious...

Oh crap. .

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