Chapter ♡ 30

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Chanyeol's pov

I walk and walk and walk...

I m lost in my thoughts

When I realize myself..I m in front of hyung's apartment

I can't wait anymore.... I want to see him

I click the security  password of door...

And it say the password is wrong????

How on the earth?

I m sure it is my b day and his b day..

But...don't tell me...he changed the password

"What r u doing here?" A voice come from behind

I turn and see a man..I have seen him somewhere

"Park chanyeol shi?" He ask me

"Yes..I m and you are?"

"I m Kim suho and I m Byun baekhyun's secretary" he say as he stretch out his hand to shake hands

I then shake hand with him

"Want to come in?" He ask me

Is that matter? I m his boyfriend and do I need to ask u permission??

"Aww...yes..."i just answer...I m keeping my angers. 

He then click security password.

Whatttt? ?????? He knows the password ??


What am i to u hyung?

"Pls have a sit" he say..

Wow....yah...this is not even ur home. Don't act like that...u are making me to punch u in any minute

I just sit on sofa without saying anything .

But i am now swallowing my angers

"What do u want to drink?" He ask me again.

"Nothing..just don't mind me and do ur work "

" feel free "

"I have lived here u know?" I say and my voice is a little hard

"Oh...I see "

"When is he coming back?"

" about 6... he said he want to eat pancake so I came early to make it"

Ask him to cook?

Why not ask me?

"He changed password? " I ask him

"Hmm? What password? "

"The security one"

"Aww..yes...he is just afraid..afraid that someone might barge into his home ."

"Barge into his home?" I ask as I walk slowly towards kitchen where he is making dish

"Imm..things have been really hard for him in these day because of...."

"Did he tell u about that?" I ask him in surprise..

"Oh...u knew that too?" He ask me back which make me clinch my fist

"Aw...imm..i knew "

"Mmm.... after that thing happened...he can't sleep alone at night.. he usually dream nightmares and wake up with sweat. So I stay beside him at night. He said he want to go to work as usual so I helped him with housework. "

Can't sleep at night?


Wake up with sweat?

Even u are suffering like that. ..u still can't just call me?

Why another person and not me?

My heart ache...I can hardly breathe. heart broken down into pieces

"I think he needs someone like me to accompany him " he add

That words .... just kill me. ... I can't hold it anymore..

I grab him my his shirt collar and punch him.

He then fall onto the floor

"What did u say?? Someone like u?? Who the hell r you that u can say like that? How dare u say like that??!" I can't hold any longer

I then punch and punch him even if he fall onto the floor

"What r u doing???" Someone shout...

That someone is hyung..


"What r u doing?? Suho ya...r u ok?" He push me away and pull that guy up

"Why r u doing this? And why r u in my house ?" He ask me

I frown at his word...

"Why am I doing this? Why am I in ur house? Do I really need to give u answer? Hmm? Hyung? "

"I....I m sorry chanyeol... didn't u promise me u will not come and see me until I contact u?"

"That promise don't include u letting another man stay beside u... am I wrong?"

"It is just .... "

"It is just WHAT!!!!!"  I shout ... I know my tears are start to fall down

"U couldn't sleep at night...u had nightmares. ..  and...and.... " i can't talk anymore ....words are just can't come out from my mouth...

I hit my chest hard... because my heart ache..

"Chanyeol-ya... I ...."

I m disappointed. ..disappointed in u..hyung..

"I don't and can't understand u anymore" my voice is so powerless now..

I then get out of his house..

For the very first time in my life...

I hate u hyung



It has been quite a while right?

Sorry and here is an update..I hope my readers don't forget this fic

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