Chapter ♡ 39

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Baekhyun's pov

I now arrive at my office

Before I do any work or let anyone come into my office

I take a deep breath and think about what happened this morning

What m i really?

Talking him like that. ..but..why he say me and Hani looks great together

*knock knock* someone knock on my door

"Come in" i say

"Annyeong baekhyun shi" suho say

"Oh..annyeong "

"Meeting is ready"

"Imm..I m on my way"

In meeting..I totally can't concentrate

I only think about him...

What m i ??

His is still warm to me..

His never change.

He become more manly

Why did he hug me?

What's that suppose to mean?

"Byun baekhyun shi?" The announcer call me..

Then i realize that I m deep in thoughts and all shareholders are staring at me


"Do u agree this case?" He ask

"Yes. I agree. We should try that product too"

After meeting..

Sms arrive and I look at my ph. .

"Oppa. Pick me up for lunch at 11. C you "

What is she really?

Can't i spend my lunch time alone and quietly?

*sigh* can't help


At she said I have to go and pick her up

When she gets into car

"Oppa. To my sister shop Lady Luck"


"To eat lunch. She said she wanted to become more close to her future brother in law "

I m already tired of Hani and now her sister..?

Don't tell me.....chanyeol will also there?

I hope more awkward moment. .pls...

Then we arrive at Hana's shop

We go inside the shop

Fashion she is a designer

When we get into the shop...the first one who greet us is..

Park chanyeol. .

He..he works here??

"Annyeong h...." he also stop when he see me

"Annyeong chanyeol-shi. .where is my sister?" Hani ask

"She is upstair. .pls go up " he say

"Thank u..pls join when we have lunch " Hani say

I just follow her..I can't even bear to look at him..

I don't know why though

After those sister have a little chat ..we head to restaurant

Yes..chanyeol also come with us because those sisters drag him out of shop.

At restaurant. ..

"So...when will be ur wedding?" Hana ask

"I want to do as soon as possible but...this guy here is just cold blooded" Hani say as he mention me

"I told u that u can do whatever u like" i say trying to act like i love Hani a lot

Just to push chanyeol away..yes...he already have g.f...his mind has to be straight away..

"Baekhyun oppa..u should do wedding earlier than us" Hana say.

"Yeah.." i say with funky tone

Then dishes are served..

The main dish is steak to I cut the meat and give to a gentleman

"Gomawo oppa" Hani say

"Omo...lovebird. .... I envy u alot" Hana scream

"U have ur boyfriend  park chanyeol beside aren't u?" I say to Hana..

"But..he is also cold blooded.." Hana say and I pretend to enjoy in the conversation

"Excuse me" i say and head to toilet..

Well. ..he should know by now..

"Yes byun baekhyun..u r doing right things for him and for u and for all.."i say to myself looking into mirror and wash my hands

I m about to go out of toilet but...

Someone bang and pin me to the wall

And kiss my lips...

My eyes widen. ..and this is chanyeol..

He is forcing me to kiss him..

I just push and push him..

Then he put his knee between my two legs..

I m like in trap and I can't move or struggle...

His kisses were rough at the start I become stable..his kisses become softer..

This is it...these kiss...

Omg...byun baekhyun..u should not enjoy this..

When my sense come back..I push him and before he come closer to me ...

I slap him hardly...

Then my eyes widen again ....

Scratches.....three scratches on his face...

My nails are a big long..

"S..s..sorry. .."

"So..this is ur answer.."

"I m sorry chany.." i m about to touch his face to look at the scratches. ..

But he step back

"Sorry to interrupt u" he say and storm out of the toilet...

".I. .m..sorry.."

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