Chapter ♡ 14

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Chanyeol's pov

"Hyung...will u come and pick me up today?" I ask him



"Arraso...I will come and pick u up"

"Jinja? Jinja? Wow...u r the best hyung...kiss~~" i say as I hug him and try to kiss him..

"Yah yah. ..I m still here remember? " Yura say..

"*tsk* aren't u going back?"I ask her

"Omma and appa are not home yet and why would I go back home?" She say..

"Eat quickly..." baekhyun say..

After breakfast..

Baekhyun drive me to school. .

"Hyung ...thanks u so you " i say and get out of the car and wave at him

He then drive away

I m missing him already..

I have to study...






Now school is released

"Hey chanyeol" my friends call me

"Aww..hey guys"

"Do u have a girlfriend already? Why r u so quiet?"

"Ha ha..I m not.."

"Well that's cool..why not go to club today?"they ask me

"It's ok...I m going home now"

"Yah..u don't have wife or kids.. ha ha....come on man..let's go"

"U guys go by urself ..I will go back home"

"Come on...come on" they all shout...

Aish.....baekhyun hyung will come and pick me up..

I walk all school hall way and these guys still following me and tell me to come..

Now I arrive at the school gate...they stop in front of me

"Let's go have some fun...come with us..ok?"

"I can't...."

They all make a sad face

"U r so cold to us...we r friends of u " one say

"Pls...come with us..huh? This once" another one beg..

What should I do?


Baekhyun's pov

I now arrive in front of his school

I see him standing and talking with his friends..

I get out of car...then the ph ring..

It is from chanyeol..he doesn't see me?

"Hello" i answer the ph


"I m al. ."

"Hyung don't come and pick me up today " he cut off my word


"I....I have extra" he say....probably. ..a lie

I see him in front of school gate and walk away..

And he said he has extra class. .

Why is he doing that to me?

"Hyung...r u listening?" He ask

"Aw...a...Arra. .so...bye" i say and hung up the ph quickly..

Why? Why did he lie to me?

I get in my car and follow him and see where he is going?

A club...

He go inside the club..

If he want to go to club...why not just. ..just open up..and tell the truth..


I also go inside that club

"So noisy.." i close my ears..

I look around..

There he is...with his friends...and some girls

My anger reach out of limit

I walk closer to their table ..

Then. ..he finally see me..

He seems so shock. .

He then quickly stand up..

"H ...h..hyung"

I look at his eyes straightaway

"An extra class?"

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