Chapter ♡ 27

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Chanyeol's pov

"Why isn't hyung coming? "I say

"Ddeokbukki will become cold now..and why didn't he picking up the ph...making me worry"

*ding dong*

"Hyung~"  i run and open the door but...

It was just a delivery

He hand me a small box

I open the box and see a ph?

"What is with this phone?"

The video call come in...

Unknown number?

I answer the call...

My hands becoming to shake and I got tears up when I see......

Hyung....tie up in bed..

His eyes are closed with black cloth. .

"Dan Dan Dan " someone say as he come into camera view

"Hello kid" this is Kris

"U!!!!! I will kill u!!! Where is that now? Where are u?  Where is my hyung?!!!" I say

"Woah Woah. ..slow down...u? Kill me? I think i m not gonna die...but the one who is lying on bed will be"

"Lay a finger on him and I will rip u apart "

"Oh~ scary... very very. to say...over protective?  But what now? U r just watching from video.." he say and he laugh out..

"U!!! Where r u now??!"

"Shuu...I can't tell till after I finish my business with him"

"Tell me..tell me what u want? Just don't hurt him"

"Ha ha ha....if I tell u i want baekie...will u give me? "

I m now no clue to answer him back

"See? I can't give me. .that's why I should get by myself "

He say and he move closer to hyung

Baekhyun is lying on bed so he sit beside him

And remove the black cloth covering his eyes..

Is he unconscious?

"Hyung. ...hyung!!" I call him ..

"Well..calling out won't help so I will help u wake him up..." he say as he lean in and lick Baekhyun's earlobes

"STOP!!!!!"   I shout

Then baekhyun move a little and he wake up....

He seems to be shock also....

"C...chanyeol-ya " he call me

"Ur chanyeol is there..."

"Hyung...hyung..." more tears are coming down. .

He is also crying now..

Seeing him like that. heart ache...

"Ok...if u r awake ...let's start our business....baekie...didn't I told u...that u will regret"

H say as he pull down hyung's trouser and also boxer...

Hyung is now half naked..

"Wh...what r u doing!!!?? Stop it right there..!!! Just pls ....stop" i don't know what to do...

What is he gonna do?

"Please....please stop" i beg him..

End of chanyeol's pov


Now Kris lift Baekhyun's butt and spread Baekhyun's legs a little

"Wow...I finally gonna taste it....would u mind?" Kris say.  ...

"No!! I will kill u!!! Don't touch him!! Don't" chanyeol shout from ph...and he is crying hard..

Baekhyun on the other hand is also crying. ..

Both their hearts aches.....

No words can describe

Baekhyun. ..who can't run away from here....who can't move even a little... he is just keep saying sorry to chanyeol...

Chanyeol on the other hand...hate himself for he is not able to do anything..


Hi guys...

Pls don't bash me for writing such bad character for Kris. ..


Hope my readers understand and think fics as fics

There will be a bit of slut in next chapter

Thanks for reading and votes and comments

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