Chapter ♡ 50

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Chanyeol carry baekhyun to bedroom

And put baekhyun gently onto the bed and he hover over baekhyun

"C..chanyeol-ya? "

Baekhyun is now quite scare and shy..his face is as red and hot as chilli

Chanyeol lean towards his face and whisper right into his ear

"I need byun baekhyun than any other people on this whole wide world. . I need u as my air, water, light . And I want u to feel the same as I do. Will u?"

While chanyeol is whispering those words.. baekhyun is shivering because chanyeol's lips are touching his ear while talking

Now baekhyun has no idea what to say next..

He is embarrassing

Baekhyun then run his arm around chanyeol's neck

" i m yours" he whisper back into chanyeol's ear

Now..chanyeol is extremely happy

He look at Baekhyun's face with a look that all girls would like to be look at

Baekhyun's face is now so red..

"Hyung. "


"R u sure?"

"Pabo..don't ask me again and again.."

"No..i m just..I m just so happy.."


"So..can we do that?"

"Do ..what?"

"Hmm..u know..that kind of thing. ."

"Park chanyeol. .I. .I m not r..ready"

"Me too." Chanyeol say and kiss him.

They were kissing slowly because they have all their time

They are not rushing so they can feel the real feels

Their lips move in rhyme..

Their tongues dance beautifully too

Chanyeol's hand travel under baekhyun's shirt

Then his hands were undoing the Baekhyun's trouser and pull it down..

He also undo his own

They r now half naked..

"Hyung..i heard it is going to be hurt a little "

"Pabo!!! Stop talking those things"

"I m sorry..hyung..i love u"

After saying that. .chanyeol insert his di*k into Baekhyun's manhole

"Ahh...c..chanyeol. ya...I ..I can't. ."

" tight..pls..endure a little "

"Out...out now"

"No..hyung..relax" then chanyeol do a little movement in and draw back slowly

Then in and out become faster

"Ha...a...chan...chanyeol-ya. ..move...move quickly"

As baekhyun ask chanyeol move with fastest speed..

The slapping sound of skin and moaning is filling the while room

"C..chanyeol-ya...I can't. .I can't hold anymore".

"Can I come inside hyung?..I. .I m coming now ".

"Ah..ahhh!" They both climax

Then chanyeol fall onto baekhyun

"It was so good...thanks u hyung...I really love u"


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