Chapter ♡ 43

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Baekhyun's pov

I m left dumb founded

I encouraged myself and approached him last night

And it was kind of succeeded

But this morning. .I.  ..I was too afraid that Hani's father would find out

What m i? Why can't I make a proper decision?

Chanyeol-ya. ..why don't u give me time to explain?

I take out my ph and dial him

But he doesn't pick up

I will go to his home tonight and also I have to greet his parents


In evening. .

I drive to his home and ring the bell

A teenage girl come out

"Is this park chanyeol's house? " I ask her because I don't know here

"Oppa? Baekhyun oppa?" She ask me in surprise tone

I m just staring at her and thinking who is she

"Y..yura?" I finally call her name

"Omo na. is me ..yura..u r still handsome and cute " she scream

"Wow...u..u r already grown is only..3 years " 

"Ah yeah.. I m kind of taller than u now..isn't it?" She say with a tease tone

"Yes..u r "

"Ok..come in ...Omma! Baekhyun oppa is here" she shout

"What? Omo..wuri baekhyun..come has been a long time" his omma say

" has been a long time ..where is ajusshi? "

"Travel for work "

"Aww..sorry that I can't come as soon as I arrived here"

"No is ok.."

"I will wait for chanyeol that OK? " I ask her

"Don't u know? Chanyeol live alone "

"What? Really? "

"Imm... when u leave here..he said he will live alone "

"He didn't tell me anything "

"U guys already met?"

"Imm..last night "

"Aww...I will tell the address so go there now "

" u later "

"Ok..go now "

As she say...I go to his home..

She also tell the password of his home so I go in

And wait for him..

I m going to solve and stop this conflict

I m going to love him no matter what

(Chanbaek)Lover's conflictsWhere stories live. Discover now