Chapter ♡ 23

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Baekhyun's pov

*new sms*

Huh? From who?

I look at my ph and it is from chanyeol

"Hyung. ..thank for everything..and also sorry for disturbing u.. hyung...I. .r u still angry at me? Seeing u care me like this I hope u still have feelings for me aren't u? I hope u forgive me back... hyung i want to remind u that i love u and miss u...take care hyung"

After I read sms. ..I realise myself I m smiling like a idiot and also tears running in my eyes

My heart is moved by his words...*chuckle* this pabo

*knock knock* someone knock on the door

I quickly wipe my tears away

"Come in" i say

The door open and *sigh* it was Kris

"Baekie...good morning "

"What brings u here?"

"What a warm greeting? I told u I will pick u up this morning and why did u left alone?"

"I m busy"

"And baekie...why is that boy in ur house? Didn't he go back home last night?"

"Did u meet him?" I ask surprisingly

"Yes...i even told him that i m dating u now and i ask him to wish me luck"

What?? What did he say to him??

"And why is he in ur house?" He continue

"Non of ur business. .if u have nothing to do then go back "

"Is he ur ex?"


"Is he?"

"U r so annoying"

"So he is.... u shouldn't still contact with ur ex when u have me"

"Get out! !!!" I shout

"Ok ok..i will...but remember my words baekie.."he say and get out of my office

My mistake for accepting him again

*ring ring*

My ph ring and I see who is calling...


My heart beating like a crazy....

What should I say to him??

I clear my throat before answering his ph and answer


"*sobbing* "

"Hello? Chan...."

" oppa....baekhyun oppa. .."This is yura and she is crying

"Yura ya...wae? Why r u crying?"


"What? What accident yura?? Don't cry and tell me"

"Chanyeol ...he...he got hit by a car and he is in hospital now....pls come here baekhyun oppa...pls" she say and cry..

My hands become to shake...and my vision got blur...

Accident?? Hit by car??

What....what should I do now??

"Oppa....palli....come palli....pls..." yura say again

"W...w..where r u now? ?" Tears falling from my eyes. .

"S..Seoul hospital.."

"Arraso..I will come now" i say and hung up the ph and run out of my office to car

Pls...pls don't let chanyeol hurt....pls...

Pls save him. ..

I drive to hospital at high speed and after a few min i arrive at the hospital. .

I run to reception and ask

"C..chanyeol. ..Park chanyeol. ..where is he now? he?"

"Wait a min pls...he is in third floor room 304"

Then I go quickly as fast as I can..

Now I m in front of room 304...

The patient name is park chanyeol ..

My heart is gonna explode..

What of he hurt so badly. .??

I can't stop my tears now..

I slowly open the door and walk in

He is lying on patient bed

I think the rate of my tears falling becomes fast

"C...chanyeol..ya...what happen to u?? C...chanyeol ya. ...." i shake him and cry out loud calling his name..

"Hyung..hyung...what what happen??" He then quickly sit up and ask me


"R u ..ok?" I ask him

"Yes..I m fine...I was just falling a sleep...just a small scratch on my forehead and bone disorder in my right hand and right leg..nothing to worry"

He look at my crying face carefully...

"Yura said u were in accident and she was crying so hard and I thought..I thought u hurt badly"

"Aish..that kid...don't worry hyung. .I m fine"

" will " i say and take a step to leave but he pull my hand

"U were worried about me aren't u?"

"Let go of my hand"

"Look at me hyung...I know u were crying"

I can't ....u can't hold it any more

I turn to him and hit his chest

"Pabo u know pabo?? I was so worried . I thought u were badly hurt and I don't even know what to do?? Is that good to joke me?? Huh?? Is that good to make joke to me??" I say as I hit his chest again and again and cry out loud

He then get out of his bed and hug me

"Sorry hyung...I m sorry to make u worry. ..I won't do that again..."

I can't stop my tears....

I don't know anything now..

I just want to stay in his chest like this and feel his warmth

"I love u hyung...I love u very much"

I love u too pabo ya

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