Chapter ♡ 19

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Baekhyun's pov

What a coincidence !

Didn't their parents come back yet?

Why do I care?

"Baekie? What r u thinking? " Kris ask me

"A...nothing...and don't call me baekie..."

"So how should I call u..honey? "


"Ha ha..just kidding...I m used to calling baekie to u"


" u have boyfriend now?"

"Yah..u should ask me if I have girlfriend. ."

He then burst out into a big laugh that everyone in restaurant look at us

"Yah yah....keep ur voice down"

"Sorry..that was so funny "


"Yah yah...when did u interest in women? I don't think so...that is so funny"


" u have boyfriend?"he ask me again


"That's good...let's go on date"

"Like hell"

"Come on ..u still have feelings for me aren't u?"

"Stop saying nonsense "

"Being serious here...give me one more chance... I promise I won't betray u this time" he say

Wu Yi Fan or Kris is my ex boyfriend before I date with chanyeol

We broke up after he left to Canada without saying any farewell to me

I really don't have any feelings for him.

Because my heart is already taken...huu..I should stop thinking that way

"Baekie? How do u think?"

"I will give u one chance...don't waste it" i say to him

"Yes yes..I won't. .I promise " he say I don't have anyone to date so...o think i have to forget chanyeol with this way


Chanyeol's pov

"Yah can I drink something?" Yura ask me

We r in convenient store

"As u like" i say and eat ramen

And I think about him...

Who is he with.? So first getting another huh?

"Ah hot. .." i eat ramen without blowing

"Pabo..."yura say

But...I m seen that guy somewhere. .

Where did I?  Look like foreigner and Chinese also..

Where did I seen him??

So familiar

While thinking that I drink juice

And I choke...

"Yah yah..drink slowly" yura say..

"That guy....I remember now " i say

"*tsk* crazy " yura say

Flash back

I was only a high schooler

That night I got message from baekhyun hyung

He said to come outside that he is already in front of my house

I run out and see him

"Hyung! is so cold and..." Without saying anything he hugged me

"Wae? What's wrong hyung?" I tried to ask him but he just hugged me tight.

Then i heard sobbing and I broke hug

I saw him crying...

"Hyung...why r u crying? Hyung...what's wrong.?"

"H...he....he left me...."

"Who? Wae?? Hyung pls..don't cry..."

"He left me without saying anything" he cry out

That night I can't ask him properly and he fell asleep in my house

Next day I ask him and he told me everything

It was his boyfriend...Kris. .Wu Yi Fan

He left to Canada without saying anything to hyung

From that day hyung became cold towards everyone and talk to me only

End of flash back.

He came back?

And hyung...r u dating him again?

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