Chapter ♡ 12

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Chanyeol's pov

"Chanyeol-ya....of u love me...come to Hotel _ _ _, Room 1004... i will be waiting for u"

I gaze at his sms for a thousand of times..

And I m deciding whether to go or not

Then I wear my coat and grab my ph and about to leave the room but my footsteps stop

Then my room door bang open

It is yura

"Yah...where is baekhyun oppa? Go and take him back now!!" She shout

"It is not ur business whether he come back or not"

"Omo omo...look at u...u r about to go to him right? Totally opposite from what a mouth say" she say looking at me from head to toe

"Just be quiet" i say and shut the door

And I threw myselfonto the bed

"Hey...I also watch that article...r u insane? U get angry at him without listening his explanation? Huh??" She shout at me and kick the door

I close my ears with pillow

Should I? Should I not?


Baekhyun's pov

He is not coming...

It is already 10 pm

It is not like what he think...

How to explain him?

I said if he loves me come go hotel but he didn't come so...that means he don't love me?

I lie down on my bed..

He doesn't love me...

I should knew that it was his immature love..

Now what??

I then sigh....

*ding dong*

Boya? Room service at this time??

I go and open the door...







"Chanyeol. .ya"

It was him.....he came ....he came....that means...he loves me?

"C...come in" i say and he come into the room

His face is harden .... I guess he is angry. ..

"Have u eaten dinner? How is yura? "

"What do u want to say?"he ask me without answering my questions

"A. ...that's ...chanyeol-ya. .that's was not a girl like u think..."

"But it still was u right? U were with some girl right? Answer me!!"he raised his voice

"Yes...I was...but...."

"It's ok...u r a boy too...u will not like another boy of course..ok...that make clear now...I will go back home now" chanyeol say as he is about to leave

"That was my omma"

Then he stops in the way..

"It was my mom....she is an actress...we haven't met for a long time. . I don't like her being an actress... I don't want my mom to be an actress ... I don't want others say that I become CEO because my mom is an famous actress....that's why I keep secret ....from everyone....I already plan to tell u but... it was too late.....sorry...." i say and I don't know why my tears are falling....

Why m i crying?

He stand there for a minute...

Then he turn to me and walk towards me..

He cup my face with his hands

Then he kiss me...

"Sorry.hyung...for misunderstanding. ..."he say snd he wipe my tears away

"I thought u won't come" i say as I hug him tight. .

"Of course I came...because I love u......I m so sorry that I get angry at u...and shout at u and misunderstood u.....I m so sorry hyung.."

It's ok....u did came....

U did prove that u love me....

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