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Baekhyun's pov

Rather than angry at him...I feel jealous. .

I want him to look at me only

I want him to be kissed by me only

Only me...I know he didn't want that kiss but still. .I can't speak to him

My mood become cloudy

He is quiet all the way back to home

I think he knows that I m angry

"Hyung.." he quietly call me


"Ah...what do u want to have for dinner? "

"Don't know"

"Then how u like..."

"Will u shut up or i will drop u here!!" I shout

"Sorry hyung" he say a nd go quiet

Aish....I m idiot...he did nothing wrong but..I can't calm myself down

When we get back home

"Hyung...I m sorry about that "


"U know that I didn't want that right?"


"Pls...pls don't angry at me"

"........." i m not angry at u...I m just jealous and hate those girls


"Get out...get out of the house" i say without looking at him

"Hyung? I explained u hyung...pls..don't misunderstood "

"Don't u hear me?"

"I got it..." he say and go to the front door

Before he open the door and go out

"U never like or love me from the start isn't it hyung? If u do..u must understand me" he say and go out

His words....his words are just true. .

I shouldn't act like that..I should've understand him

I run after him...

I saw him go into the elevator so I run and stop the elevator from closing the door

"Hyung?" He say in surprise tone

I can't lose him with this such misunderstanding

I go inside the elevator and the door close

"Hyung..what r.." before he finish his word

I cup his face with my hands and kiss him suddenly

His hands then run through my back and caress my body

Our lips move in rhyme and we kiss until we lose our breathe

We then break the kiss


"Sorry....sorry ...sorry....for not being patient to u"

"It is ok hyung..I understand u"

"I m just...just jealous ...of that girl"

He then chuckle

"Hyung...u don't need to be jealous of her because u own me..and not her..I will not look at anyone but u....she is just nothing. ..totally nothing compare to u...u r too valuable for me..ok?"

"Pabo...nice talk huh?"

"No...true feelings"

"Today good night kiss is canceled because someone kiss u...if u wash our face in five minute then u will get good night kiss"

"Boya hyung!!! That's cheating..." he click the floor button of the elevator

"Why it takes so long to get to the floor...come on!!!" He say and press the button again and again

I m needing him and wanting him?

M i trusting him too much?

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