Chapter ♡ 51

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Baekhyun's pov

This is it..

Today is the day to finish all the connection with Mr.lee family.

I am gonna pay back the debts of mine

I am gonna run away from Hani.

I am gonna stay with chanyeol forever.

Now I am waiting to see with Mr.lee

Oh..there he is

"Good morning son. Long time no see "

"Yes. is everything?"

" is ur planning for wedding? "

"A.. Mr.lee.. I have something to tell u"

"Son. I won't listen if it is about to change date of wedding or .."

"Pls..listen to me "

"Ok...go ahead "

"Here " i say as I hand out a bank account details

" what is this?"

"These are my debts..I m returning all to u"

"Why? I already told u I don't need those money back..I just need..."

"I m sorry sir. I can't marry your daughter. So pls accept this debts "

"No..u r gonna marry my dau..."

"I am only interested in one person.. back then and now. I loved only one person. "

"Who is she? Is she rich? Is she prettier than my daughter? "

"No sir. Not she. It is he "

"What??" Mr.lee is now on shock expression

"Yes Mr.lee..I m in love with a boy who is a lot younger than me. I tried to throw him away. But at last I have known that he is the only one for me. Therefore pls accept those money and let's end our connection here" i say as I bow down

"U pretty boy..who is also skilled with company homo? I still can't believe my ears " he say

"Hate me. Look down on me. Disgust me. I am not afraid of those anymore. I m not afraid of losing my pride anymore. What I afraid now to lose him. "

Yes. That is the most right thing I have ever said in my life .

"If that is ur choice then goodbye. " Mr. Lee say and then leave of course he took his money

I now deeply sigh

I feel like i m so free now. only thing left is to love him forever


Hello guys..

Lover's conflict has finally nearly come to end

I have prepare new story

(Chanbaek)Other Side of Me

Pls read that story and support me


Love u my readers

By the way..some of my readers is gone :'(

I am so sad

But I will continue to write as many fics as I can..

Love u all

(Chanbaek)Lover's conflictsWhere stories live. Discover now