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Chanyeol's pov

"Hyung~~" i call him as I hug him from his back.

He is still buttoning his shirt

"Yah yah .. I m wearing cloth. ."

"Wait..come..I will do it for u" i say as I turn him to face me

Then I continue to button his shirt

After buttoning..I cup his face with my hands.

"I will be missing u the whole day"

"Pabo...just concentrate on ur study at sch"

"Aren't u gonna miss me?"

"Move!" He say and remove my hands but i grab his waist closer to my body

"Yah...we will be late" he complain

"Hmm? Will u? U never say u love me or miss me"

"I have said..."

"How many times?"

"R u go insane? How can I remember? "

"So tell me now..that u will be missing me and love me"

"Let me go"


He then sigh..

His two hands travel along my neck and up to my face and cup my face with his hands..

He then kiss me...

His kisses are different. ..kisses become more passionate..

I was so surprised...

He push me and I step back and back and fall onto bed..

He is now on top of me still kissing...

His kisses reach to my neck..I take a glup...I feel like an electricity goes through my body..I bite my lips when he lick along my neck and earlobe..

He then whisper into my ear


After that..he quickly stand up a nd he grab his bag run out of room...

I m now frozen in my place...

When I get my sense back..I also run after him..

"Hyung...breakfast!!" I call him but he already run out of our apartment.

"What did u do to baekhyun oppa? His face seem burning" yura say

"Non of ur business..will u be ok to left alone at home? " I ask her.

"Imm..better than u r here "

"Aish. .." i say and I also come out to school..

On my way...I keep thinking about that moment....

I can feel my face hot when I think about that...

He was so cute....and sexy...

I blush when that moment flash back..

I hold my cheeks and keep my head down....

'Normu....saranghae ' his words ...

I want to record it and listen again and again..

At school...

"Yah park chanyeol...did something happen? Ur mouth will reach to ur ears. .why r u smiling all the time?" My friend ask..

"Nothing really" i say..

"Hey hey. ..don't keep secret...tell me...I wanna know"

"It is really nothing..."

"Aish......u look like a crazy u know..? Smiling alone..creepy"

"Don't mind me..."

Then another friend barge into the classroom holding ph..

"Yah yah yah....u know byun baekhyun right? "He ask me


"So do u know this?" He say and show me his ph..

My eyes...widen and I feel tears inside my eyes...

I heart broken into pieces...

The new article is

"Youngest CEO, Byun baekhyun, dating? Who is that lucky girl?"

And a picture. .of him and his car.. but can't see girl face...and it is sure that is a girl...

What?? I was being played by him??

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