Chapter ♡ Final

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Chanyeol's pov

"Chanyeol ya.. wanna meet at Han river at 6 pm.. c u there" i got a text message from hyung

"Boya? We can meet at home

Don't tell me he is gonna break up again????

Nah! It is impossible..don't think like that..ok ok

Be positive park chanyeol " i am talking to myself

And I can feel my heart pounding

"Why am I so nervous and.... worry? Huuu...calm down "

"Why are u talking to yourself?" My colleague ask me

"Ha ha... did I? "

"Yah park are freaking me out "

"Sorry bro. . I m just not...not..Arr. ..I m so nervous "

"What's wrong? Did u fight again? "

Yes..he know me and hyung.

" is not like that.. but"

"Yah ..but what?"

"He ask me to meet at Han river "

"So?" -_- he look at me with poker face

"Is that strange?  Why r u so nervous like freak ?" He add

"Stop stop bro. . "

Now all I have to do is to wait  6 pm to come


It is already 5.55 pm

Time is nearly come

I arrived at Han river first

Where is my shortie hyung ?

And smile appear on my face whenever I think of him...

"Yes.. I m so so in love with u hyung. I feel like i m crazy whenever I think of you. "  while I m talking to myself

"Talking to yourself?" A voice come from my behind

Just hearing his voice...I can know who is he

"Hyung ... u r late" i turn around and say

My heart start to beat fast again

"It is exactly 6 pm..pabo "

"Hyung..why did u ask me to come here?"

"Well...let's walk first"  he say

I have cold sweat now... there is a silent while we are walking

I feel like it is 75% sure that he is gonna say break up words

"Chanyeol-ya.." a small voice come out and break the silent


"I hope u will take the words that I am going to say seriously  "

"I always take your words seriously "

"Do u still remember what we talked last time we came here?" He suddenly ask me

"Nae? Last time? " then the memory flash back

Flash back (Chapter -4)

"I want to tell u something"

"Nae...just tell me"

"Will u? Will u loyal to me when we are in lover relation?" he asking me? To be in relation?

I m dreaming? 

"Hyung?? R u being serious?"

"If u think i m joking then forget it"

"No no no. ..I just can't believe it...I m dreaming hyung?"

"Well..let's see if u r dreaming or not" he say and he pull me from the muffler and kiss me?????????????

I can feel his warm from this small lips despite of cold

Then we break the kiss

"Still thinking this is dream?" He ask

End of flash back

"I am going to ask the same question again" he say

"Will u loyal to me when we are in lover relation?" He add

"Do I still need to answer that question? " I ask him "Don't u still  believe me?"

"I believe u. I am just worry "he answer

I m now happy..

Because he is not breaking up with me

I pull him into hug

"Yah park chanyeol "

"I was so worried because I thought   u r going to break up with me"

"Pabo" he say with a small tone and a cute chuckle

"I love u hyung.. I will be loyal. I can grantee that there is no one other than U. "

Then he break the hug

"Well...prove it " he say with a smirk

"Ok then " i say and stand on the bunch..

"W..what r u doing ?" He ask me

"I am going to prove that I love u"

Then I shout out aloud

"I love byun baekhyun...and there is no one to replace him.."

"Yah park chanyeol. .r u crazy?  Get down here " he is shy because everyone's attention is on us

"I will be loyal to u hyung..please trust me this time.. I will never leave u..  I love u hyung " i say and when I finish ... everyone around us clap..

I get down and hug him.. people cheer us up more

"Saranghae hyung " i whisper to him

"Me too..saranghae yeol ya. " he whisper back

Yeol ya?

I feel like i m the luckiest person on this world..

Love u hyung.......

-------------------The End------------------

Hello readers.

Lover's conflict has finally come to end

Thank to everyone who give me votes and comments

I have ongoing fics

#our new cute member

#the other side of me

Pls support those too

Saranghae my readers and thank u *bow *

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