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Uriel had finally warmed up to Nathan, over the past few days she experienced the feelings she missed over the years.

They walked hand in hand on the beach.

You must be wondering, how did she let them hold hands. He took her hand when she wasn't noticing and never let it go even when she tried to take it back.

Nathan watched the wind caress her sun kissed blonde hair, she looked at peace. Suddenly, her phone rang.

"How are you?... I'm okay...me too...on the beach... I'll be waiting...bye. "

She tucked her phone into her pocket and looked at the beach.

"Who was it?" He had vivid eyes "It's Paul, he called to tell me that he's coming back tomorrow."

"You don't look excited." She gave him a don't-you-dare continue look "I'm not always in the best of moods."

"But you are now." He held up their interlocked hands to her sight "With me."

"I've warned you to give up Nathan."

"I told you I won't...have dinner at my place tonight."

"I'll have to meet Paul at the airport first thing tomorrow morning."

"If he decides to fly out early Uriel, he'll be landing by 10am and not in the next three hours. Dine with me."

"Aunt Regina will be worried."

"You're giving me cheap excuses Uriel, you're a grown woman I expect more than that. You're coming with me."

"And if I say no?" She stopped and he sighed "Then you leave me with no choice." He hauled her over his shoulder and she giggled "Put me down Nathan."

"It's too late for that babe, you're coming with me." She looked over "I'm not your babe, you know?"

"You were and always will be. Now keep shut or I'll spank you." She knew he wasn't joking it had happened once four years back "You better not poison me."

"Are you doubting my abilities dear?"

"I'll spank you if you don't shut the hell up." He shook his head "As fiesty as ever."

"Did you say something?"

"Andiamo a casa Il mio amore (let's go home my love)"

They arrived at the villa after sunset and made themselves comfortable before Nathan made a call to Val informing him that his services weren't needed for the night.

"I'll make an american dish for you. First, you just have to choose ;wine or alcohol?" She shook her head "Wine of course. I'll head to the cellar and get it myself."

"As you wish mio amore." She didn't bother correcting him, he won't change even if she told him to. By the time she was back, he was almost done.

"What took you so long?"

"It's not every day you have different brands of wine waiting for you Legend."

"But it's all yours Uriel. Everything in this house and the house itself is yours babe."

"I don't have the strength to argue with you Nate but you know the truth."

"Yeah. I just said the truth." Uriel gave up once again."What are you making?"

"Chicken mushroom sage casserole, you'll love it... speaking of wines, which one did you pick?"

"A bottle of Reisling. Can't wait to chill."

"You've already started doing that. I need to go change." He excused himself and returned later in a white tee and pajama pants and a book in hand.

"I still have your book here." He waved it at her and she returned his action with a smile "Can I still have it?"

"Of course. You can have it if you want."

"You don't mind?"she nudged him "Stop that you know I'm just kidding."

"That's the very first copy of my first book. It's special to me."

"I get to keep a special piece of you at least for sometime before I get the main thing; you."

"Whatever. I'll set the table."
"No, I want you to relax and I'll take care of everything else."

"Are you sure about that?" He nodded and kissed her forehead leaving her stunned "I am." She hesitated but went to the living room.

Some minutes later, dinner was served "It's pretty late." Nathan pulled out a chair for her "I know. You're not going anywhere."

"When will you come to terms with reality?"

"The day I'll execute my plans of kidnapping you...that's if you decide to go ahead with the wedding."


"Relax, with the progress we've made, I don't see that happening."

"Change the topic alright." He poured a glass of Reisling for her before taking his seat.

"How's it?"

"You're such a good cook. Olga would have loved this." She took a sip of her wine "It's too good. We should be doing this more often." She stopped as she realised what she blurted out.

Nathan caressed her hand "I love you Uriel. Of course we'll do this more often. Don't worry about it."

"Nate...we shouldn't do this."

"Eat first Uriel. You speak nonsense when you are hungry." He chuckled "You haven't let go of your childishness, have you?"

"I can't get rid of it babe. It's in my blood." They talked more and eventually got tired. After dinner, Uriel made a quick call to her aunt to inform her that she'll be staying over at a friend's house. She didn't reveal that it was Nathan to avoid suspicions but unknown to her, Regina was aware of what was going on.

They cuddled up on the couch and Uriel slept off, Nathan diverted his gaze from the TV to Uriel when he noticed she had slept off. He admired her peaceful figure, her hair covered a part of her face and she stirred in her sleep.

"Time to go to bed." He carried her bridal style careful not to wake her up and gently laid her on his bed before joining her.

"Nathan?" Her eyes slowly opened "Shhh...I'm here."

"I love you." She said faintly but he heard her clearly and kissed her nose "I love you too baby. Good night."

Nathan's trying his best

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