Where am I?

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I opened my eyes, feeling like I had just been hit by a truck. It was dark, but something didn't feel right. My body was both sore and tingling at the same time. I could hear the sound of white noise coming from wall towards my feet. I turned my head- not being able to move the rest of my body, to notice a faint light coming from what looked to be clouds on the far wall- although, there were dark lines in the way.

I was struggling to move and began to panic, not sure if I was paralyzed. I closed my eyes trying to recall what the last thing I remembered was. My mind was blank- so I tried to recall the most basic facts...

My name is Tyler- that was an easy one. I was born on June 3rd- I had a two sisters, they were twins and were 14. I began to remember that June 3rd was coming up- which meant school was over- that's right, I was finally a senior. That's the last thing I remembered, I was at a party- an end of the year party! I let out a noise- I don't even know what it was, kind of like a sigh, kind of like a grunt.

My thoughts were interrupted by the flash of lights, which turned on. I was blinded for a minute but my eyes slowly started to adjust. Turning my head back towards the wall, I could now see what was blocking the clouds from view- I was in a crib!

Not only was I in a crib, I was in a nursery. The wall that my head was turned to was pink and had white wooden clouds that were hanging on the wall with back lights behind them. On the floor right underneath the clouds that appeared to be a box of toys, with a bunch of block letters scattered on the floor- as well as alphabet stickers on the wall, that were out of order. In the corner, there was an oversized baby jumper- mounted to the ceiling. The carpet was white but there was a giant pink heart rug in the center of the floor.

I turned my the other way and noticed that my crib was butted up with the side wall- which was white. I could see a bunch of frames on the wall, and without my glasses, I couldn't see the pictures. Looking towards the ceiling, I noticed a mobile hanging above my head. There was a moon in the center and the outside had clouds and stars hanging. It wasn't spinning, so I guess that was a plus.

My neck was feeling more loose, so I attempted to lift my head up, using all of the strength I had just to put my chin to my chest- I could see past the foot of the crib. The first thing that I noticed, was the changing table on the far wall- but that only held my gaze for a second. I then noticed for the first time, that I was in a pair of footed pajamas. They were pink and white striped with blue elephants scattered on the pair. I tried muttering "what the heck?" but noises just came out. Attached to the pajamas was a pacifier, that was hanging off to the side. Where the zipper ended, there was lock which prevented it from being pulled down. I needed to figure out what was going on...

Looking back outside the crib, on the wall with the changing table, I noticed more pictures that I couldn't make out and a giant yellow sun that looked like it was rising from the table. At the foot of the table was a matching stand, with the noise machine and a baby monitor on it. In the corner of that wall and the pink wall, there was a hammock with a bunch of stuffed animals and a giant teddy bear sitting on the floor.

Wiggling to turn my head up towards the wall above my head, there appeared to be a walk in closet, with a little space between the closet and the pink wall, where I assumed the exit door was. I finally tried to let out a cry for help- just making a loud yelling sound.

Just then, the monitor on the stand made a sound, "Good morning Tyler..." the ominous voice started.

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