The First Puzzle

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As soon as the door shut, I started trying to wiggle again. Spitting out the pacifier, I tried to break free of the swaddle- flailing any part of the body that could move. Again, I wasn't actually moving very much but felt like it. I were slowly gaining feeling- finally able to gather the strength break free from the swaddle. I now had mobility in my legs and hands. Rolling over, I was able to pull myself up to my knees and touch the top of the cage. Pulling on the lock- I realized that it needed a key. I tried reaching through the bars of the crib- but were unable to come close to reaching anything.

I was still wobbling around, dizzy and drowsy- feeling the tingles in my limbs but they were at least usable. I lifted up the blanket that I was laying on, hoping to find something but instead just revealed more of the pastel pink, teddy bear print sheets that covered the crib mattress.
I started to shake the top of the cage, unable to reach through and grab the mobile. The cage wasn't moving. I started to shake the bars of the crib which were also not budging. I were already exhausted- my muscles were fatigued from the sedative so you overusing them by trying to escape just made me more tired. The voice came back over the baby monitor, "calm down baby, it's okay. Remember- in order to grow up, we have to go back to the beginning..."

Hearing the voice, I just sat down in the crib. I was already tired and defeated- with no way out, everybody was going to see me sitting here in a nursery. I just put my head down. I just sat there- to make matters worse, I needed to go pee. I tried to hold it in but was pumped with diuretics and laxatives, so it just came out. I felt a warmth fill between my legs but was surprised not to be sitting in a wet puddle. That's when it hit me- the solution... I was in a diaper. 

I started to cry- emotionally beaten down. This whole situation was bad enough but I just realized that I used a diaper- something I hadn't done since I was 3 years old. I wasn't sure why I didn't think or feel it before, probably all of the adrenaline. I felt the diaper with my hands, through the footed pajamas. At 7 o'clock my life was going to be over...

I looked back down, the pacifier just dangling. Not having anything else to do, I picked it up and examined it. There was something inside of the rubber part- I tried to bend it to push it through but it didn't budge.

I noticed that part of the pacifier still had my drool, so I wiped it off. This left a yellowish residue on my hand. Examining the pacifier closer, I noticed what was inside- it was a small key... small enough to fit a padlock. Piecing the puzzle together, I figured out that it was sealed inside this gelatin type material, that broke down with saliva.

I popped the pacifier in my mouth and started sucking away. After a few minutes, I felt something metal on my tooth. Pulling the thing out, I saw life- as the key was almost free. I placed it back in my mouth, going to town and sucking it dry, like it was a chicken wing- I freed the key. Pulling myself back up to the cage, I reached through to grab the padlock. Placing the pacifier key inside the lock and turning it, it opened. When I lifted the cage, the side rail dropped- letting me escape from the crib.

I finally had some hope of getting out of here...

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