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I raced out the hidden door in the closet and around the corner to the main door. I had used everything that I could think of, so this had to be the exit. I grabbed on of the keys, which didn't fit the first lock-but it did the second lock.

I opened the lock and removed it. I followed up with the first lock and then the third- turning the handle, the door opened!

Throwing the door opened, I went in the next room. There was a table in the middle of the room- with a laptop and a note. There was a TV on the left, which was on and showed a video of your friends and family gathering in a living room. The party was real. Looking at the time on the clock above the TV, it was 7:08- it was too late. The rest of the room was empty and painted white- except the wall on the right was essentially a window into the play room. The trigger for the camera and other cords were plugged in an extension cord on that wall. The door was straight ahead.

I looked at the table and grabbed the note, deciding to read it. Picking it up, the ink rubbed off on your thumb, so it was freshly written.

"Ty Ty

It looks like you were a few minutes late but because I love you- I decided not to tell anybody anything. Right now, the door is locked but you can unlock the handle and head on out- everybody is excited to see you and celebrate your birthday! If you are thinking you want to change into a different outfit- you can head back into the playroom and get any of those. Or if you want out of those clothes and that stinky diaper, you know where to go.

Love Mommy"

I was glad I read the note, since I almost just raced out of the door. This was the last thing that I wanted people to see me in- a close second was any of the clothes from the photoshoot. Plus the diaper was sagging and smelled horrible- it seemed I only had one choice.

I walked back to the changing table and climbed up- restraining myself. I then yelled "Mommy!".

Diaper Escape RoomWhere stories live. Discover now