Top Drawer

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I inspected the dog but could only get it to bark "twinkle twinkle, little star". Thinking about what I needed to open, there was the main door- with three locks on it, the closet, and the top drawer of the changing table.

I decided to not do the puzzle right away and instead, tried to find a place for the key. Trying the main door first again, nothing. Then the closet, nothing. Luckily, the top drawer was the answer.

Inside, were a bunch of diapers- which reminded me of how full the current one was getting. I probably could use a change but was on too much of a role right now- plus I didn't want to see that woman again.

Pulling out all of the stuff, there was really nothing. A couple of onesies, diapers, and three children's books- Moo Ba La La La, Goodnight Moon, and Baby Happy Baby Sad.

 I sat down and read the books- learning about what all of the animals say, and what was in the green room, and what made baby both happy and sad. None of it made sense to me, or how this was a clue. So I decided to go back to the puzzle. I dumped the puzzle out, which was just a unicorn going to a castle with a princess. It wasn't very big or difficult- but all of the pieces had numbers on the back of them.

I pieced together the puzzle fairly quick but had 3 extra pieces. These pieces looked like they belonged but didn't fit together in the puzzle or with each other. Plus the puzzle was complete without them. Looking at the back and saw the numbers 25,32, and 44.

Even solving this puzzle and assuming that this was a code to something, I had nothing that needed a code. I was stuck.

Currently, I had a dog that I didn't know what it did, three books that meant nothing right now, potentially a code, a list hanging by the door, and a note from "Mommy" to the "Babysitter"- I thought I had used everything else that had been given to me. I sat there trying to piece all of the stuff together- rereading the lists and the note. Finally, not knowing what to do- I made a last ditch effort, hoping to get help.

The last paragraph of the note said, "If you need any help, call Mommy- we might be able to help you." So I shouted- finally able to speak. "Mommy!"

The monitor made a sound and the ominous voice returned, "Hey baby... what's the matter? Are you not feeling very well- this always happens when you get out of your routine. We left a pretty detailed note for the sitter, hopefully she is following it. Anyways, we love so much and remember, we only have 2 more calls today..."

It had worked. You remembered that escape rooms that you went to before had employees able to give you hints- and this was apparently one of them. She was clearly referring to the note and saying to follow the routine but what was that again?

Looking through the note, line by line- I thought the routine was mapped out like this: It was wake up, drink ALL of your milk, get changed (Get on table to let her know you were ready), play until lunch (Get in jumper to let her know you were ready), take a nap, change into outfit (the key to the closet is in the changing table drawer?), read.

So I looked at each layer: first the milk- I had forgotten I had a bottle and needed to finish that. Changing got me the key to the drawer. I am not sure what they mean by play. I needed to get in the jumper for lunch and also nap? And I needed to get into the closet.

I went over, back to the stand to grab the bottle- which was now warm. There was still a ton of milk left but looking at the bottle- there was a design that I didn't see before. The bottle was clear and the design was white, so the milk hid it. You quickly started to suck down the milk, to try and reveal the rest of the bottle- while doing so, you went back to the drawer.

Running your hands inside, you noticed that there was a black piece of paper at the bottom- which was upside down. Flipping it over, you noticed a really bad drawing- with Ty (no help) written on the bottom in somebody else's hand writing. Was this the key? You weren't sure how it would be. You placed that in the center of the floor- realizing you needed to do something else productive. The milk wasn't gone yet but you were still chugging away. You decided to see if you could multi-task and do lunch at the same time.

Walking over to your jumper, you were able to actually climb in- sitting in the seat. All of a sudden, you felt yourself being raised in the air- the jumper was being pulled toward the ceiling and now you could only touch the floor with your big toe. It was lunch time.

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