Photo-shoot Pictures

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I laid the pictures out side by side on the floor- trying to see what I needed to do. The TV screen flashed and the voice came back over the intercom.

"Here are some of the results- your baby is very photogenic." The photos then started to flash across the screen. "Tell me which ones you like."

As the photos flashed, you could hear "Mommy" and "Daddy" saying they loved certain ones or that they thought some were super cute. It started to be annoying on how happy that I looked- because I was miserable.

I had to stop watching- as they continued to scroll through them. They went as far as showing sample invitations to the birthday party, the calendar, and played through montages of the photos with nursery rhymes playing in the background.

I had to stay focused on the pictures. I noticed that some of the lines would line up if placed side by side. This was a puzzle. The outer edge of the puzzle was easy, it was just a giant circle. The inside had straight lines, except on picture had a "V" looking mark.

As the voices started to talk about how people were going to be so excited how cute you were, I tried to zone them out. It had to be approaching seven and then your life would be over. Working faster than ever, I pieced the puzzle together. It was a clock!

The circle was the outside and if I looked at it with the pictures right side up, then the hands were pointing at 1:45. Now, I had to figure out to do with that. I looked all over for a clock but couldn't find one.

The only thing that I hadn't used for the pictures was the almost full sized kitchen play set. I waddled over there, in a very full diaper. Messing around with the utensils and knobs, I noticed that the microwave had buttons. I hit the 1, then the 4, and then the 5- before hitting start. The oven that was once locked, popped open- inside revealing a large box. Pulling out the box and opening it, revealed a large chocolate cake.

I quickly took the box over to the screen and carefully pulled it out. I made sure the stand was sturdy. A picture popped up next to it, of a baby sitting next to a cake- I mirrored the image and the camera flashed. Instead of seeing a side by side, I got another picture. This one of being the babies face and hands and shirt covered in chocolate.

Without hesitation I grabbed two fistfuls of cake and shoved it towards your mouth- then mimicking the photo. The next photo was the baby face down in the cake- so I did the same. This was followed by the baby throwing cake in the air- so I did the same.

The photos continued, until you saw something in the cake. I then dug, almost like a dog- pulling out the object. Inside- was a key ring with three oversized keys but also 3 regular sized keys.

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