The Drawer

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For the first time, I thought about who she was or why I was here. Apparently, I was making immature decisions. Sure I got in trouble a little bit but to deserve this, I think not.

My life hadn't been the greatest growing up and I had to earn everything that I got. I did not come from a wealthy family so got a lot of hand-me downs and off-brand stuff. This led to me getting picked on a lot. That's when I realized that I had to look out for myself and not to trust anybody.

At home, things weren't going great right now- my parents feel the need to control my life so I have been avoiding them for the most part, because when I don't, we just usually argue. My sisters are to the age, that they are getting annoying- so I avoid them too. Instead, I hang out with my friends. I used to hang out with my girlfriend mostly, but she got mad when a new girl came to our school and asked for my number. She was pretty cool and we talked a lot but it was too much for my girlfriend and she got jealous. Eventually, it got annoying so I broke up with her.

Somehow, she turned the new girl against me and now they are like best friends. My other friends and I still hangout though- sometimes we skip school to go to a movie or the mall. We aren't getting great grades but I don't have any failing grades so it is fine. We occasionally fight, usually over girls, but nothing too crazy. So I have no idea why this is happening.

I stopped thinking and remembered that I needed to get out of here, so I climbed down off the table. Now able to slightly walk- more of a waddle, I stumbled back around to the stand. I saw the key that was attached to my old diaper and figured it had to go to something.

I raced to the front door, hoping that it was to the lock- falling along the way because I was in too much of a hurry. Pulling myself back up, I got there and it didn't work- unsurprisingly. I then went to the toy box, which only had a code lock and then the closet- which also didn't work. Finally, going back to the changing table, I tried the top drawer- which also didn't work. I began to try the bottom drawer but realized that she left it open.

Inside, there was the leg spreader and a few changing materials- as well as a lock box. I pulled the box out and grabbed it- placing the key inside... which fit! Opening the box, I grabbed what was inside- my glasses. Putting them on my face quickly, the room became clear. I could see every detail- which included the pictures on the wall.

Most of which, I had already seen in the album. Now able to pull myself up to the pictures above the changing table, I grabbed all of the frames- tossing them back towards the center of the room by the album. These had to be a clue.

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