The Laptop

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I climbed down off the table and looked at the clothes that were sitting on the stand. I quickly threw on the t-shirt but after realizing that my shirt was well above the diaper when bending over to put on the pants- I understood what she was talking about, my diaper my get exposed. Reluctantly, I grabbed the gray onesie.

I threw it on over my head, then reached between my legs- snapping them together. The top just looked like a polo, so I was sure nobody could tell. I then grabbed my pants from the floor and slid them on, pulling them well above the waistline. Putting on my socks and jacket from the table, I walked back into the hidden room to check the mirrors.

I knew I had a diaper on and couldn't even tell. I could hear it crinkle a little bit but talked myself into thinking that the party would be too loud, so nobody could tell. I also realized that I still had my pacifier in- so I walked back to the changing table and put it there.

I wasn't opposed to working out things with my ex the other night but I was too mad at her now to even consider it. I couldn't believe that she thought I would do this again, willingly. Admittedly, I enjoyed the puzzle aspect but I was drugged and forced to be a baby against my will- it was terrible.

I shuttered knowing that she would still have evidence. I trusted her a lot so I actually believed her when she said she wouldn't tell anybody but the fact that evidence existed made me upset. That is when I noticed that she didn't take her laptop with her.

I quickly grabbed it and opened it. It was locked with a password, so I tried the one that she had when we were together- and it worked! I know that she wanted to "have the memories" and I thought it was funny that she thought I looked cute but I couldn't let this happen. The program she was in was still open. The big red delete button was staring me in the face. I felt bad about what I was doing but clicked it.

A bar came across the screen and eventually finished before a checkmark, saying complete, popped up. I set the laptop down, it was over.

A chime from my pocket made me realize that she had placed my phone in my jacket. I pulled it out and there was a text. The text was from a number I had never seen and it had a link, so I figured it was spam. I deleted it, but it was followed with an email. The email was from an unmarked sender and had the same link. The email was sent to a ton of people, a lot of which had our school account- so must be the school got hacked. I deleted the email.

I then got a notification that I was invited to a group on Facebook- "Untitled Group". I opened the invite and was instantly horrified. The first photo I saw, was the photo of me sitting by my cake, in just the t-shirt and diaper. The caption was "Party like its 2004."

Scrolling through the page, it was all photos of me or videos from the experience. The comments were rolling in fast from both family members and friends, with a lot of laughing emojis and ridicule. The link from the text and email was in almost all of the posts.

Through the tears, I clicked on it. It was options for people to buy photos or the calendar- with some of the earnings going towards "my college". Everybody knew.

I got a text, this one from my ex. "You couldn't just leave it alone and accept the consequences for your actions. That delete button actually sent out everything- so now everyone knows. I don't think we are going to be able to work it out, you just aren't mature enough. Let me know when you decide to act your age... lol"

You threw your phone, choosing to run away. You ran out of the nursery and then opened the second door. There was no party out there, the party was at a different building- instead you stood in an abandoned house. You had no car but you were not going home... your life was officially over.

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